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Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business (Marketing) CB05

Duration: 4 years full-time, 8 years part-time.
Mode and Location: Internal - B/G/M/R/BIC/FIC and Yr 1 - E, external, multi-modal. Some plans are only available at CQU Rockhampton, or may only be offered externally. Students studying at campuses other than Rockhampton are advised that course availability may be limited, and should carefully study details in the Table of Course Availability.
Courses/Units of Credit: 32 courses/192 units of credit.
Faculty: Arts, Health & Sciences; Business & Law.
Entry: QTAC.
Accreditation: This program is designed to satisfy the educational requirements for membership of the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) and the Market Research Society of Australia. Accreditation with other professional bodies may be available depending upon selection of Arts plans. Contact the Undergraduate Program Advisor for further details.
Practicum/Work Placement: Dependent upon courses selected within Arts plans.
Residential School: Dependent upon courses selected within Arts plans.
Contact: Arts Program Advisor on 07 4930 9661 or email o.roden@cqu.edu.au; Business Undergraduate Program Administrator on 07 4930 9600.
International Students: International students studying in Australia must study full-time, on-campus.
CQU CRICOS Program Codes: R - 041513B.

Program Overview

This combined degree program is designed to allow students to meet professional accreditation in Marketing, and to complete two separate 6-course plans in Arts.

This degree provides a practical and informative start to a career in the marketing profession, allowing graduates to gain employment in a large and growing area within industry and commerce. Marketing permeates business globally, often providing the basis for business decision making and strategic business management. Specialised studies in marketing, together with a basic knowledge of associated business disciplines may lead to graduates being employed in such diverse careers as advertising, purchasing, community relations, marketing management, export/import management, market research, strategic business planning, product management, promotions management, and so on. The course also provides graduates with added knowledge in the areas of service marketing and international marketing and business, which is significant in the current commercial and career environment.

Students should consider the following points in selecting courses to be studied in a particular year, enabling them to structure their study program so prerequisite courses are completed prior to subsequent advanced level courses:

  • full-time students usually study a maximum of four courses per term;
    part-time students usually study a maximum of two courses per term; and
    details of course availability (term offered, internal and distance availability, prerequisites) are in the Table of Course Availability section, and students must make themselves aware of these.

This course places some emphasis on developing the student’s competencies and practical knowledge of the business applications of computing. Internal students will spend time in computer facilities as part of their regular classes and distance students will need to ensure, when undertaking certain courses of study, they have a high level of access to adequate computer facilities.

Program Structure

To satisfy the requirements of the award, students must complete a program of 32 courses or 192 units of credit (19 Business courses or 114 units of credit and 13 Arts courses or 78 units of credit) which comply with the program detailed below. Students must complete:

all of the following 7 compulsory courses:
Code Course
ACCT11059   Using Accounting for Decision Making
ECON11026   Principles of Economics
HRMT11010   Organisational Behaviour
COIS11011   Foundations of Business Computing
LAWS11030   Introductory & Contract Law I
MRKT11029   Marketing
STAT11028   Quantitative Methods A

all of the following 12 Marketing technical specialist courses:
Code Course
MRKT11028   e-Marketing & Retail Selling
MRKT19030   Promotions Management
MRKT19031   Buyer Behaviour
MRKT19034   Marketing, New Ventures & Entrepreneurship
MGMT19114   Strategic Management
MRKT19036   Marketing of Service Products
MRKT19037   International Marketing & Business
MRKT19038   Market Research Techniques
MRKT19039   Market Research Applications
MRKT19040   Marketing Plans & Their Implementation
including 2 elective courses (selected from any 6 units of credit undergraduate course offered by CQU, subject to the Dean’s approval. The Faculty will notify students if their selection is not approved).

12 courses, comprising two separate 6 course plans from the Bachelor of Arts Core Studies plans (Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Studies, Asia & Pacific Studies, Australian Studies, Drama Studies, Environmental Studies, Film Studies, Geography, History, Japanese Language, Literary & Cultural Studies, Literary Studies, Methods of Social Research, Sociology, Text & Cultural Studies, Welfare Studies).

1 elective course, selected from a Bachelor of Arts Core Studies plan. Refer to the program list for further details of Bachelor of Arts plans.


  • Students intending to complete MRKT19038   or MRKT19039   are advised to include STAT12029   as one of their elective courses.
  • Students planning to proceed to enrol in an Honours year are advised to enrol in MRKT19035   as one of their elective courses.

Application for Credit Transfer

Credit transfer will only be granted where a student is able to demonstrate that tertiary studies equivalent in content and depth to a Bachelor of Business (Marketing) or Bachelor of Arts course have been completed.

Students should examine the course synopses in this handbook to determine the courses from which they may be eligible to claim exemption.

Refer to Credit for Previous Studies in the Admission & Enrolment section of the handbook, regarding the guidelines and requirements in applying for credit transfer.

Central Queensland University Handbook
This handbook was correct as at: 07-May-2002

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