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The University's main research goals are the pursuit and development of innovative research activities and outcomes to enhance the University's national and international reputation.
The Office of Research promotes and supports research and research higher degree programs. The Office is responsible for disseminating information about research opportunities, developing and maintaining research information systems, administering applications for funding and the resulting grants and assisting with and coordinating the administration of research higher degrees and postgraduate research awards.
Research higher degrees - program rules
Postgraduate research scholarships
For more information contact the Office of Research:
Ph: +61 7 4923 2602
Fax: +61 7 4923 2600
Much of the research conducted at Central Queensland University is supported within the University's research centres. Central Queensland University hosts an Institute for Sustainable Regional Development and four designated research centres. These are:
• Centre for Environmental Management
• Centre for Railway Engineering
• Centre for Social Science Research
• Primary Industries Research Centre
Institute for Sustainable Regional Development (ISRD)
The Institute makes a significant contribution to the sustainable socio-economic development and natural resource management of regional Australia. The Institute acts as an 'umbrella' for sustainability research at Central Queensland University, coordinating, through its thematic progams, the activities of researchers and postgraduate students.
The Institute promotes and encourages distinctive holistic research to empower regions to maximise their own potentials in a sustainable manner. It combines practical on-the-ground research with theoretical approaches to important issues such as the impact of globalisation on regional communities, the dynamics of cultural change in a complex regional social system, community-based decision-making, the role of the State and private companies in sustainable development, and the future of regional Australia.
Executive Director: Professor Bob Miles
Ph: +61 7 4930 9053
Centre for Environmental Management
The provision and protection of land and water resources (freshwater, estuarine and marine) is Australia's major challenge for the twenty-first century. The Central Queensland region includes Australia's second largest catchment (the Fitzroy, with an area of 160 000 km2) with a hinterland which is well endowed with mining and agricultural resources.
The Centre for Environmental Management is well positioned as a research provider to offer integrated, unbiased and impartial advice on the appropriate management of land and water resources in the Central Queensland region and similar regions elsewhere.
Director: Dr Alistair Melzer
Ph: +61 7 4970 7310
Centre for Social Science Research
Formed in 1994 as a centre for multidisciplinary social science-focused research the Centre for Social Science Research (formerly Rural Social and Economic Research Centre) has grown to become one of the most active of the University's designated research bodies. With over 60 members of the academic staff from all five Central Queensland University faculties, the Centre for Social Science Research seeks funding from external granting bodies to undertake research into aspects of the social development of rural and regional communities.
Through its studies and its publications, it contributes to theoretical debates about the 'place' of rural society in a globalising economy, provides local communities with socio-economic data upon which decisions can be made, undertakes impact assessment, facilitates social interaction between community stakeholders, and looks for practical means of catalysing social development in the Central Queensland region. The Centre auspices the Population Research Laboratory.
Director: Professor Kerry Mummery
Ph: +61 7 4930 6749
Primary Industries Research Centre
The Central Queensland region is home to a range of primary industry activities spanning the agricultural (horticulture, broad acre, grazing, beef), the extractive (coal, magnesite) and the processing (alumina smelting, bulk materials handling) industries. The Plant Sciences Group conducts research activities that service the needs of these industries. As a region of climatic diversity, spanning tropical to temperate zones, it is also home to dry rainforests, wetlands, scrublands and specialised flora.
Research into the conservation of these flora in the face of development is of prime importance to the Primary Industries Research Centre. The region represents one of untapped potential, with scope for objective research and development.
Director: Professor David Midmore (Plant Sciences)
Ph: +61 7 4930 9770
Centre for Railway Engineering
The Centre is positioned within the James Goldston Faculty of Engineering and Physical Systems. For the first time in Australia, the national railway industry has access to an internationally recognised centre of expertise - providing the crucial bridge between the rail authorities, private enterprise, manufacturers and academics.
The capabilities of the Centre span all facets of railway engineering civil infrastructure, mechanical and electrical to offer applied research, technology transfer, postgraduate research opportunities, continuing education and problem solving. The Centre aims to improve efficiency, safety, productivity and profitability for the Australian railway industry, as well as providing the necessary environment for innovation.
Director: Associate Professor Manicka Dhanasekar
Ph: +61 7 4930 9677