Course Descriptions and Availability by Code
Choose from the course codes below to find course descriptions and availability details. Students should read the course details prior to enrolment and consult their program advisor for further information. Translation of older course codes (pre 2001) can be found in previous handbook versions.
| A |
| B |
| C |
| D |
| E |
| F |
| G |
| H |
| I |
| J |
| L |
| M |
| N |
| O |
| P |
| R |
| S |
| T |
| V |
| W |
| Z |
Codes starting with A
Codes starting with B
- BIOH - Human Biology
- BIOL - Biological Sciences
- BIOT - Biotechnology
- BLAR - Building & Architecture
- BLCN - Building Construction
- BLSV - Building Surveying
- BMED - Biomedical Science
- BOTN - Botany
- BUSN - Business
Codes starting with C
- CHEM - Chemical Sciences
- COIS - Computer Information Systems
- COIT - Computer Info Technology
- COMM - Communication
- COMT - Communications Technology
- CULT - Cultural Studies
Codes starting with D
Codes starting with E
- ECOM - e-Commerce
- ECON - Economics
- EDCU - Curriculum Education Studies
- EDEC - Early Childhood Education
- EDED - Education Studies
- EDFE - Education Teaching Studies
- EDHE - Higher Education Teaching
- EDSE - Secondary Education
- EDVT - Vocational Edu & Training
- ENCO - Computer Engineering
- ENCV - Engineering Civil
- ENEA - General Engineering
- ENEC - Civil Engineering
- ENEE - Electrical Engineering
- ENEM - Mechanical Engineering
- ENEP - Engineering - Prof Prac
- ENEV - Environmental Engineering
- ENMM - Engineering Maintenance Mgmt
- ENPO - Process Engineering
- ENPR - Engineering Practice
- ENSE - Engineering Service
- ENTA - General Engineering Technology
- ENTC - Civil Engineering Technology
- ENTE - Elect/Electrn Engin Technology
- ENTI - Instrumentation Engineer Tech
- ENTM - Mechanical Engineer Technology
- ENTZ - ComputerEngineering Technology
- ENVR - Environmental Studies
- EVST - Environmental Studies
Codes starting with F
Codes starting with G
- GENE - General Education
- GEOG - Geography
- GEOH - Human Geography
- GOVP - Political Science & Government
Codes starting with H
- HIST - History
- HLPB - Public Health
- HLTH - Health
- HLTP - Health Promotion
- HMGT - Health Management
- HMSC - Human Movement
- HRMT - Human Resource Management
- HUMT - Humanities
Codes starting with I
- INDG - Indigenous Studies
Codes starting with J
Codes starting with L
Codes starting with M
- MARN - Marine Science
- MATH - Mathematics
- MBIO - Microbiology
- MDWF - Midwifery
- MGMT - Business Management
- MMST - Multimedia Studies
- MRKT - Marketing
- MUSC - Music
Codes starting with N
Codes starting with O
- OCHS - Occupational Health & Safety
Codes starting with P
Codes starting with R
Codes starting with S
Codes starting with T
Codes starting with V
- VART - Visual Arts
Codes starting with W
Codes starting with Z
- ZOOL - Zoology