Programs & Courses 2007
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2

Enrolment - Rules


Students must be aware of the following enrolment rules, which may affect their ability to commence or continue studies at CQU. If you are a research higher degree student, please contact the Office of Research on +61 7 4923 2602 for more information.

Enrolments via 'e.rolment'
The last date for enrolment and/or swapping and/or adding of courses is the end of Week Two for all terms.

Cancellation of enrolment
Students wishing to cancel their enrolment in a particular program with the intention of not re-activating their enrolment at a future point, must drop all courses in which they are currently enrolled and contact the Student Service Line on 1300 550 900 or in the case of students studying at the Australian international campuses, their Campus Administration, to formally advise that they wish to cancel their program. All enrolment transactions are subject to the conditions imposed by the University's academic calendar and refund policies.

A student's enrolment may be cancelled by the University when:

  1. a student has failed to submit a completed Request for Commonwealth Support and HECS-HELP form (for specified students), and/or failed to pay their student contribution amount by the due date or has failed to provide the University with their tax file number; or
  2. a fee-paying student fails to make fee payments. Refer to CQU Collections Policy (NOTE: the fees outstanding will remain a debt on the student's account); or
  3. a student has been excluded or suspended; or
  4. a student has not met the conditions of their offer.
Current year of program
A student's year of program is the year which they have successfully completed or in which they are currently studying at least half of the units of credit for that year in addition to units of credit for a previous year. Thus:
  1. a student is in the fourth year of his or her program if the student has successfully completed Years 1, 2 and 3 of the program and is enrolled for half or more of the fourth year program units of credit.
  2. a student is in the third year of his or her program if the student has successfully completed Years 1 and 2 of the program and is enrolled for half or more of the third year program units of credit.
  3. a student is in the second year of his or her program if the student has successfully completed Year 1 of the program and is enrolled for half or more of the second year program units of credit.
  4. a student is in the first year of his or her program if none of the above applies.

For the purpose of this definition 'units of credit' means 'normal annual full-time load' which varies depending on the faculty through which the program is studied.

Lapse of enrolment
A student is classed as having lapsed their enrolment if they have withdrawn from all studies in any particular term. If a student's enrolment has lapsed, they must contact the Student Services Line on 1300 550 900 to re-activate their enrolment. Students are then responsible for going online and adding courses for the coming terms.

Enrolment cannot be re-activated after the last day to add courses in a particular term. All enrolment transactions are subject to the conditions imposed by the University's academic calendar and refund policies.

An enrolment can be lapsed for an unspecified period of time but not greater than 10 years. Students who lapse their enrolment do not need to apply for a readmission unless they have lapsed their enrolment for a period of 10 years.

Satisfactory Academic Progress
It is important for students to familiarise themselves with what constitutes satisfactory academic progress. Students who fail 50% or more of their courses are monitored in accordance with the 'Monitoring Academic Progress' policy, and students who persistently fail can face the possibility of exclusion from a program. The 'Monitoring Academic Progress' policy is located online at under M, or via the e.rolment website where a link is provided in the menu under 'Academic Progress'.

International students
Any international student who has made the following changes to their enrolment:

  1. lapsed their enrolment; or
  2. had their program cancelled (whether at their request or not); or
  3. been excluded

must, prior to recommencing their study at CQU, contact the relevant Australian campus regarding payment of tuition fees before a Confirmation of Enrolment form can be issued. Once issued, the student must present such to the Australian Embassy in their home country in order to make application for a Student Visa.

Campus transfers
Applicants who are offered a quota place at any CQU campus, and who wish to transfer to another CQU campus other than an Australian international campus, must apply for a transfer by changing their preferences through QTAC. As the quota places at another CQU campus may have been filled already such offers may not always be successful.

Enrolled students
Students must apply in writing to the Student Records Officer, Student Administration to change campus. Change of Campus application forms are available online at

Campus transfers will only be assessed if submitted and received on or before the due date as outlined in the policy 'Campus Transfer to Another CQU Campus' available at

Campus transfers must be dependent upon academic performance, place and course/program availability. If the program of study is not available at the new campus the application will not be successful as not all programs are available at all campuses.

International students wishing to apply for a campus transfer must contact their campus Student Administration section for advice, as any variation of enrolment will affect visa status.

Student Learning Entitlement
For various reasons each term, Commonwealth Supported Students may need to withdraw from a course/s after the Census Date for the term. If students have consumed SLE and have specifal circumstances for the late withdrawal, they are eligible to apply for recrediting of their SLE and the subsequent remission of their HECS-HELP debt or refund of any upfront payment of Student Contributions.

A definition of special circumstances as established under The Higher Education Support Act 2003 is set out in the policy 'Recrediting of Student Learning Entitlements' available at All applications received will be assessed against this criteria.

Students wishing to apply for a recredit of their Student Learning Entitlement are required to complete an application form available at

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