Programs & Courses 2006
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2


Course Code Course Name Offered in 2006
MGMT19121 E-Commerce for Purchasing No
EDED20454 e.Learning Futures (Graduate Entry) Yes
EDED11402 E.Learning Manager Yes
PHYG13004 Earth Science No
BIOL13031 Ecology A Yes
SOCL20059 Ecology, Culture and Politics Yes
ECON20023 Economics for Business Yes
ECON19035 Economics of Electronic Commerce Yes
JOUR12013 Editing and Design Yes
LOTE13034 Education and the Japanese Abroad Yes
LOTE12032 Education in Japanese Organisations No
NURS20129 Education in Non-Formal Settings Yes
LOTE12031 Education Management on Contemporary Japanese Contexts No
EDVT13018 Education Training and Work No
EDED20292 Educational Policy and Practice No
EDED11282 Educational Research Methodology No
HLTP12001 Effecting Health Change Yes
LOTE11003 Effective Communication in a Second Language Yes
EDED11398 Effective Teaching And Learning Yes
ENTE12001 Electrical Circuit Analysis Yes
ENTE12006 Electrical Energy Conversion Yes
ENEE12003 Electrical Power & Drives (electrical students only) Yes
ENEM13009 Electrical Power & Drives (for non-electrical students) Yes
ENTE12005 Electrical Power Systems Yes
ENTE13015 Electrical Services Design Yes
ECOM13003 Electronic Commerce Yes
ECOM20004 Electronic Commerce - A Global Perspective Yes
ECOM20009 Electronic Commerce Project Part A Yes
ECOM20010 Electronic Commerce Project Part B Yes
HLTH29030 Electronic Health Records & Standards Yes
ENTE13007 Electronic System Design Yes
ENTE12002 Electronics Yes
ENML21003 Elements of Mine Design No
ENEE12002 Embedded Processor Systems Design Yes
MATH40090 Enabling Mathematics No
ENML21007 Energy & Minerals in Society No
CHEM12020 Energy and Reactivity Yes
ENEM13007 Energy Conversion Yes
ENRG21008 Energy Management No
ENRG21009 Energy Trade Fundamentals No
ENTA12012 Energy, Resources and Environment Yes
ENEV20007 Energy, Resources and Environment (CU15) No
ENEC12002 Eng Materials (Civil) Yes
COIS11014 Engineering Computing Yes
MATH11218 Engineering Foundation Mathematics Yes
ENTA11010 Engineering Graphics Yes
ENTA12013 Engineering Management Yes
ENEA13003 Engineering Management Yes
ENTA11007 Engineering Materials Yes
ENEM12002 Engineering Materials (Mechanical) Yes
MATH11219 Engineering Mathematics Yes
MATH12178 Engineering Mathematics III Yes
ENTA12014 Engineering Practice Skills Yes
ENTA11009 Engineering Principles Yes
ENTA11005 Engineering Science Yes
ENEA11001 Engineering Skills I Yes
ENEA11002 Engineering Skills II Yes
STAT13034 Engineering Statistics Yes
ENTA11008 Engineering, Technology and Society Yes
LOTE20013 English as a Second/Foreign Language I No
LOTE20014 English as a Second/Foreign Language II No
LOTE20015 English as a Second/Foreign Language III No
LNGC11001 English Communication Yes
LOTE20017 English Communications in the Global Workplace No
EDCU14019 English Curriculum and Pedagogy Yes
LNGC40055 English for Academic Purposes Yes
LNGE40050 English for Tertiary Studies No
LNGE40057 English Studies (36) A No
LNGE40058 English Studies (36) B No
MUSC11362 Ensemble IB No
MUSC12364 Ensemble IIB No
MUSC13366 Ensemble IIIB No
MUSC10334 Ensemble Studies 10 No
MUSC10335 Ensemble Studies 11 No
MUSC10336 Ensemble Studies 12 No
MUSC10326 Ensemble Studies 2 No
MUSC10327 Ensemble Studies 3 No
MUSC10328 Ensemble Studies 4 No
MUSC10329 Ensemble Studies 5 No
MUSC10330 Ensemble Studies 6 No
MUSC10331 Ensemble Studies 7 No
MUSC10332 Ensemble Studies 8 No
MUSC10333 Ensemble Studies 9 No
MUSC10325 Ensemble Studies I No
EDED11405 Ensuring Student Success Yes
EDFE11035 Enterprise Portal Task 1 Yes
EDFE12040 Enterprise Portal Task 2 Yes
EDFE13028 Enterprise Portal Task 3 Yes
EDFE13029 Enterprise Portal Task 4 No
MGMT20126 Entrepreneurship Yes
MRKT19034 Entrepreneurship, Innovation and New Ventures Yes
HLTH11015 Environment and Health No
EVST19007 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Yes
CHEM19085 Environmental Chemistry No
ECON19031 Environmental Economics Yes
EDED19342 Environmental Education No
ENTC13011 Environmental Engineering Yes
ENEV20008 Environmental Engineering (CU15) Yes
EVST19015 Environmental History Yes
EVST19008 Environmental Management Yes
EVST19020 Environmental Management Systems Yes
EVST21018 Environmental Management research Project A Yes
EVST21019 Environmental Management Research Project B Yes
EVST20021 Environmental Management Systems & Sustainable Development Yes
ENEV20005 Environmental Planning and Economics Yes
EVST20003 Environmental Risk Management Yes
ENVR11011 Environmental Science A Yes
ENVR11012 Environmental Science B Yes
SOCL19057 Environmental Sociology Yes
HLPB12002 Epidemiology Yes
PHYS19102 Essay Yes
MGMT20122 Essential Business Skills for People in the Arts No
CHEM20065 Essential Chemical Sciences Yes
CHEM11008 Essential Principles of Chemical Sciences Yes
EDED11356 Essential Professional Knowledge Yes
EDED20443 Essential Skills for Arts Administrators Yes
STAT11048 Essential Statistics Yes
ENML21008 Establishing Sustainability Indicators No
ENSD21001 Establishing Systems Strategies No
ENMM20011 Establishing the Maintenance Strategy Yes
SOWK13006 Ethical Social Work Practice Yes
PSYC20035 Ethics & Professional Issues in Psychology Yes
DNCE12009 Ethnic,Indigenous and Multinational Dance Steps No
EDED20397 Ethnographic Research No
HLTH20007 Evaluating Health Services Yes
TOUR19021 Events, Leisure & Entertainment Yes
NURS21152 Evidence Based Practice Yes
HMSC12007 Exercise and Work Physiology Yes
STAT12051 Experimental Design and Analysis Yes
PERF13016 Experimental Theatre Yes
MMST13017 Experiments in New Media No
CULT19015 Explorations in the Gothic Yes

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