CQU Handbook Course Availability

EVST Codes

Please Note:

All students must make themselves aware of the course details contained in the following table of course availability prior to enrolment.

An explanation of codes can be gained by clicking here.

For the convenience of all continuing students, we have included a reference table of all old codes used prior to July 2001 - click here to view

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Course Code Name Term Credits Career Faculty Campuses Prereq Coreq Notes Pre Notes Avail?
EVST12011 Energy, Resources & the Environment T2 6 UGRD ENGPS ROK: FLEX         Yes
EVST12013 Water Quality Management T2 6 UGRD AHSCI ROK CHEM11008, ZOOL11005, BOTN11004       Yes
EVST13014 Aquatic Systems T2 6 UGRD AHSCI ROK ZOOL11001 or BOTN12010       Yes
EVST19007 Environmental & Social Impact Assessment T3 6 UGRD AHSCI BDG: ROK:FLEX 18 uc       Yes
EVST19008 Environmental Management T2 6 UGRD AHSCI BDG: ROK:FLEX 18 uc       Yes
EVST19015 Environmental History T3 6 UGRD AHSCI MKY: ROK:FLEX 18uc       Yes
EVST20001 Land Management and Rehabilitation (CU15) T3 8 PGRD AHSCI FLEX         Yes
EVST20002 Land Management & Rehabilitation T3 6 PGRD AHSCI FLEX         Yes
EVST20003 Environmental Risk Management T2 6 PGRD AHSCI FLEX         Yes
EVST20009 Thinking Systemically and Sustainably (CU15) T3 8 PGRD AHSCI FLEX         Yes
EVST20010 Water Management (CU15) T3 8 PGRD AHSCI FLEX         Yes
EVST20012 Water Management 1 T3 6 PGRD AHSCI FLEX         Yes

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