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PHYG13002 Earth & Planetary
This course presents the likely origin of the
Solar System, born from material that formed a disc of gas and dust
around the new born Sun. The various planets and satellites are
described. The internal structure of the Earth and planets are presented.
The interior of the Earth, seismology, magnetism, gravity. Engineering
geology, mineral deposits, exploration and mining, plate tectonics
and evolution of the Australian continent. Processes that have sculptured
the surface of the Earth and planets such as impact cratering and
volcanoes are described. Internal heat processes including heat
transfer inside planets are considered. The knowledge of the Solar
System from measuring the properties of meteorites is presented.
Students undertaking ESCI13008 Geophysical Instrumentation
must have taken this course. However this course may be studied
without studying ESCI13008 . It is an essential
course for students intending to continue into seismology/geophysics
in the Honours program.
Text: Distance Education
Study Materials, Earth and Planetary Science. Clark, I.F., & Cook,
B.J. Perspectives of the Earth, Australian Academy of Science, 1995.
References: Kaufmann,
W.J., Universe, Freeman, 1994. Francis, P., Volcanoes, Oxford University
Press, 1993. Jones, B.W. et al, Images of the Cosmos, Open University
Press, 1994. Kearey P., & Brooks M., An Introduction to
Geophysical Exploration, Blackwell, 1991. Rothery D., Satellites
of the Outer Planets, Oxford Uni Press, 1992.
Central Queensland University Handbook
This handbook was correct as at: 07-June-2001
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