Programs & Courses 2013
Student Handbook Home: Edition 1

EDED20435 Research Scenarios

Course details

This course is designed to analyse the structure of futures scenarios and how industry employs scenarios to account for preferred futures. The course teaches candidates to develop scenarios concerning their research topic with the aim to broaden the contextualised nature of the research. In this process, case studies of scenarios are evaluated and the feasibility of designing futures scenarios is discussed. The course provides a solid reference base for the construct of critical inquiry in terms of generating potential directions and solutions to the research problem within the context of Mode-2 society. In this pursuit, the nature and application of futures knowledge production are analysed with specific reference to the industry in which the research will take place.

Course at a glance
Career: Postgraduate
Credit points: 8
Requisites: This course has no pre/co-requisites
Student Contribution Band: 1
EFTSL: 0.16667
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Course availability
Term Campus
2013 Term One FLEX SYD
2013 Term Two FLEX SYD
2013 Term Three FLEX SYD
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Course evaluation reports

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