Programs & Courses 2013
Student Handbook Home: Edition 1

SOWK12014 Ethical Professional Practice

Course details

This course presents ethical theories and principles and their relationship to social work practice and professional practice in human services. Students should be able to compare the AASW and AIWCW codes of ethics and explore ethical decision making and its relationship with moral responsibility. Students should also be able to analyse the role of personal and professional value systems and their place in various practice settings, and the legal and organisational context of social / welfare work. Students should be able to engage appropriate use of self and self care strategies by students in the professional context as a component of devising an ethical professional framework for the student's future practice. The students should be able to analyse the ethics of practice within differing cultural contexts and devise appropriate strategies of intervention.

Course at a glance
Career: Undergraduate
Credit points: 6
Requisites: Successful completion of 48 credit points in any program.
Student Contribution Band: 1
EFTSL: 0.12500
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Course availability
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