Programs & Courses 2012
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2

Research and Graduate Studies Information


The University's main research goals are the pursuit and development of innovative research activities and outcomes to enhance the University's national and international reputation.

The Office of Research promotes and supports research and research higher degree programs. The office is responsible for disseminating information about research opportunities, developing and maintaining research information systems, administering applications for funding and the resulting grants and assisting with and coordinating the administration of research higher degrees and postgraduate research awards.

Research higher degrees - program rules
Postgraduate research scholarships

For more information contact the Office of Research:
Ph: +61 7 4923 2602
Fax: +61 7 4923 2600


Much of the research conducted at CQUniversity is supported within the University's research Institutes and flagship areas. CQUniversity hosts two Research Institutes and an Education flagship as well as a number of research groups and designated research centres. The Institutes and flagship areas are:


Institute for Health and Social Science Research (IHSSR)

Institute for Resource Industries and Sustainability (IRIS)

International Education Research Centre (IERC)

Learning and Teaching Education Research Centre (LTERC)


IRIS hosts a number of designated research centres:


In addition to the designated research centres, IRIS has two research groups:  the Engineering Research Group and the Business Research Group.


IHSSR hosts a number of research groups, which are not designated research centres:

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