Programs & Courses 2010
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2

Handbook Terminology:

Field of education

The Field of Education classification is the classification used to describe higher education programs, specialisations and courses. The main purpose of the classification is to ensure programs, classifications and courses with the same or similar vocational emphasis are reliably classified to the same 'field of education'. This term has been used from 1 January 2001 and replaces 'field of study'. The twelve field of education classes are:

01 Natural and Physical Sciences;

02 Information Technology;

03 Engineering and Related Technologies;

04 Architecture and Building;

05 Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies;

06 Health;

07 Education;

08 Management and Commerce;

09 Society and Culture;

10 Creative Arts;

11 Food, Hospitality and Personal Services;

12 Mixed Field Programmes.

Source: Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST)

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