Handbook Terminology:
- Abbreviated program title
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
- Absent Fail (AF)
- Academic Board (AB)
- Academic calendar
- Academic discipline
- Academic load
- Academic misconduct
- Academic record
- Academic requirements
- Academic staff
- Academic transcript
- Academic year
- Academically at risk
- Accreditation
- Adjudicator
- Admission
- Admission level
- Advanced standing
- Agent
- Animal Ethics Committee (AEC)
- Annual course contributions
- Appeal (Student)
- Appeals Committee
- Applicant
- Archive/s
- Articulation
- Assessment
- Assessment feedback
- Attendance mode
- Audio bridge
- Audioconferencing
- Audition
- AustraLearn
- Australian International Campuses (AIC, AICs)
- Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship (APD)
- Australian Postgraduate Award (APA)
- Australian Postgraduate Award - Industry (APAI)
- Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
- Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF)
- Australian Research Council (ARC)
- Australian exchange students
- Austudy
- Availability
- Award
- Award program
- Award requirements
- Award title
- Bachelor's Degree
- Basic nurse education courses
- Blackboard
- Bookshop
- Browser
- Bursaries
- Calendar of principal dates
- Campus
- Campus locations
- Candidate
- Careers services - Queensland regional campuses only
- Census date
- Central Queensland University Act 1998 (Act, CQU Act, University Act)
- Central Queensland University Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students Provider Codes
- Central Queensland University International (CQU International, CQUI)
- Certificate
- Certification date
- Cheating
- Citizenship
- Collusion
- Combined programs
- Commencing student
- Commencing student for Research Training Scheme (RTS)
- Commercialisation
- Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
- Commonwealth industry places
- Commonwealth supported place
- Commonwealth supported student
- Communications Learning Centre (CLC)
- Complaint
- Complicity
- Confirmation of enrolment (COE)
- Consultancy
- Continuing student
- Continuous assessment
- Convocation
- Core course
- Corequisite
- Corrective action
- Counselling services - at Queensland Regional Campuses
- Course
- Course Coordinator
- Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ)
- Course level
- Course profile
- Coursework component
- Credentialled learning
- Credit (C)
- Credit for previous study
- Credit transfer
- Criterion-referenced assessment
- Cross-institution program
- Cross-institutional enrolment
- Deferment
- Deferred Assessment (DA)
- Deferred Examination (DE)
- Degree
- Degrees with distinction
- Delivery mode
- Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST)
- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)
- Department of Immigration, Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (DIMIA)
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor (DVC)
- Desktop videoconferencing
- Diploma
- Direct entry
- Discipline group
- Discontinued course
- Discontinued program
- Dissertation
- Distance Education (DE)
- Distance Education (DE) Mentor
- Distinction (D)
- Doctoral degree
- Domestic student
- Double Degree
- Downgrade
- Download
- Dual Award
- Dual badging
- Duration
- Early Career Researcher (ECR )
- Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000
- Elective course
- Enabling programs
- English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS)
- Enrolled student
- Enrolment
- Enrolment date
- Equity groups
- Equivalent Full-time Student Load (EFTSL)
- Ethical clearance
- Examination
- Examination centre
- Examination formats
- Examination instructions
- Examination period
- Examination room
- Examination script
- Examiner
- Exchange student
- Exclusion
- Exempt provider
- Exemption
- Exit award
- External student
- External study
- Faculty
- Faculty Education Committee (FEC, Ed Committee)
- Faculty Education Sub-Committee Assessment Hearing
- Faculty Research Committee (FRC)
- Fail (F)
- Fee
- Fee paying non overseas postgraduate student
- Fee paying non overseas undergraduate student
- Fee paying overseas student
- Fee paying student
- Field of education
- Field of study classification
- Field trip
- Final grade
- Final year of secondary education
- First Class Honours
- Flex student
- Flexible delivery
- For Improving Research Supervision Training (fIRST)
- Formative assessment
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Full motion video
- Full-time load
- Full-time student - domestic
- Full-time study
- Funding
- Funding opportunity
- General staff of the university
- Generic skills
- Gladstone Campus (GLD)
- Gladstone Clean Coal Centre (GC3)
- Gladstone Engineering Centre (GEC)
- Gold Coast International Campus (GDC)
- Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- Grades
- Graduand
- Graduate
- Graduate Destination Survey (GDS)
- Graduate Skills Assessment
- Graduation
- Grant Application Cover Sheet
- Grants and Industry Liaison Officer
- Group assessment
- Higher Doctorate
- Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS)
- Higher Education Contribution Scheme - Higher Education Loan Programme (HECS-HELP)
- Higher Education Loan Programme (HELP)
- Higher degree research program
- Higher education award
- Higher education institution
- Higher education program
- Higher education provider
- Honours
- Honours classification
- Hub
- Hub coordinators
- Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC)
- Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC)
- Inadmissible combination
- Incomplete (I)
- Independent marker
- Indigenous Australian Postgraduate Research Award (IAPRA)
- Indigenous people
- Institution purpose
- Institutional Grants Scheme (IGS)
- Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
- Intellectual Honesty
- Intellectual property
- Interactive System-wide Learning (ISL)
- Interim awards
- Interim results
- Internal
- Internal student
- International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
- International Postgraduate Research Award (IPRA)
- International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS)
- International student
- Invigilator
- Isolated student
- Lead lecturer
- Learning site
- Leave of absence
- Level of course
- Local students
- Location codes
- Low socio-economic status student
- Mailing address
- Main criterion
- Major program
- Major within a program
- Master's degree
- Maximum period for completion of a program
- Migration Act 1958
- Ministerial Council On Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA )
- Minor program
- Minor within a program
- Mode of attendance
- Multi-modal
- Multimedia
- National English Language Teaching Accreditation Scheme (NEAS)
- National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (NOOSR)
- National code - Education Services for Overseas Students
- Negative service indicators
- New to higher education
- No longer offered (NLO)
- Non-English Speaking Background (NESB)
- Non-academic classification
- Non-award course
- Non-award study
- Non-overseas student/graduate
- Non-school leaver
- Non-standard examination period
- Not Sat (NS)
- Not offered (NO)
- OS-HELP debt confirmation form
- Off Campus Mentoring
- Off-shore campus
- Off-shore location
- Off-shore student
- Offers - Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre
- Office of Higher Education (OHE)
- Office of Research
- On-shore student
- Online
- Open learning studies
- Outside Studies Program (OSPRO)
- Overall position - Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (OP)
- Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
- Overseas student
- Part-time load
- Part-time student
- Part-time study
- Partner Investigator (PI)
- Pass (P)
- Pass Conceded (PC)
- Pass Non-grade (PN)
- Pass Terminating (PT)
- Payment plan
- Permanent Humanitarian Visa
- Permanent Humanitarian Visa Holder
- Permanent resident status
- Place fully funded by employer
- Plagiarism
- Plan within a program
- Portal task
- Postgraduate Research Experience Questionnaire (PREQ)
- Postgraduate program
- Postgraduate student
- Practical experience component
- Practicum
- Practicum Outstanding (PO)
- Prerequisite course
- Prior learning
- Privacy Act
- Prizes
- Professional Doctorate (PROF DOC)
- Program
- Program completion
- Program fully funded by an employer
- Program structure
- Program, Course
- Qualification
- Queensland Core Skills Test (QCST)
- Queensland Studies Authority (QSA)
- Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC)
- Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) code
- Quota place
- RFCD codes
- Readmission
- Recognised tertiary institution
- Recognition of prior learning
- Regional campuses
- Registered Training Organisation (RTO)
- Research
- Research Infrastructure Block Grant Scheme (RIBG)
- Research Training Scheme (RTS)
- Research higher degree (RHD)
- Research higher degree candidate
- Research higher degree candidature
- Research higher degree supervisor
- Residence
- Residential school
- Resource materials book
- Result Outstanding (RO)
- Review of Grade (ROG)
- Rockhampton Campus (ROK)
- Rural student
- Scholarship
- School leaver
- School leaver commencer
- Second Class Honours, Division A
- Second Class Honours, Division B
- Secondary education
- Selection rank
- Semester
- Show cause
- Skills for Tertiary Education Program (STEPS)
- Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT test)
- Specialisation
- Specified credit
- Standard examination period
- Stipend
- Student
- Student Handbook - Central Queensland University
- Student Learning Entitlement (SLE)
- Student Ombudsman
- Student incident report
- Student misconduct
- Student visa
- Student with a disability
- Study break
- Study guide
- Successful (S)
- Summative assessment
- Supervision
- Supervisor
- Supplementary Assessment (SA)
- Supplementary Examination (SE)
- Supplementary Pass (SP)
- Suspended course
- Suspension
- Technical and Further Education (TAFE)
- Term
- Termination of enrolment
- Tertiary Entrance score (TE score)
- Testamur
- Thesis
- Third Class Honours
- Transfer
- Transfer Credit
- Tuition Assurance Scheme (TAS)
- Tuition fee
- Type of attendance
- Type of enrolment
- Unauthorised material (examinations)
- Undergraduate (UGRD)
- Undergraduate program
- Unit of study - Department of Education, Science and Training
- Units of credit (UC)
- University rule
- University statute
- Unsatisfactory academic progress
- Unspecified credit
- Unsuccessful (U)
- Upgrade
- Vocational Education and Training (VET)
- Weighted Grade Point Average (WGPA)
- Withdrawal from a course
- Withdrawal without penalty
- Withdrawn Fail (WF)
- Women in Research (WIR)
- Work Placement
- Work experience
- Work experience in industry
- e.courses
Overseas student
An overseas student is a person who is not a person entitled to stay in Australia, or to enter and stay in Australia, without any limitation as to time, or a New Zealand citizen (including a diplomatic or consular representative of New Zealand, a member of the staff of such a representative or the spouse or dependent relative of such a representative),and is enrolled in a course of study with a provider. � Students who are in Australia on a temporary visa, including a temporary protection visa, are overseas students. � Temporary visas include, but are not limited to, Student, Employer Sponsored Worker, Tourist and Working Holiday visas. |
Source: Administrative Information for Higher Education Providers: Student Support (AIP), http://www.dest.gov.au/sectors/higher_education/policy_issues_reviews/key_issues/AIP_2005/default.htm