Handbook Terminology:
- Abbreviated program title
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
- Absent Fail (AF)
- Academic Board (AB)
- Academic calendar
- Academic discipline
- Academic load
- Academic misconduct
- Academic record
- Academic requirements
- Academic staff
- Academic transcript
- Academic year
- Academically at risk
- Accreditation
- Adjudicator
- Admission
- Admission level
- Advanced standing
- Agent
- Animal Ethics Committee (AEC)
- Annual course contributions
- Appeal (Student)
- Appeals Committee
- Applicant
- Archive/s
- Articulation
- Assessment
- Assessment feedback
- Attendance mode
- Audio bridge
- Audioconferencing
- Audition
- AustraLearn
- Australian International Campuses (AIC, AICs)
- Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship (APD)
- Australian Postgraduate Award (APA)
- Australian Postgraduate Award - Industry (APAI)
- Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
- Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF)
- Australian Research Council (ARC)
- Australian exchange students
- Austudy
- Availability
- Award
- Award program
- Award requirements
- Award title
- Bachelor's Degree
- Basic nurse education courses
- Blackboard
- Bookshop
- Browser
- Bursaries
- Calendar of principal dates
- Campus
- Campus locations
- Candidate
- Careers services - Queensland regional campuses only
- Census date
- Central Queensland University Act 1998 (Act, CQU Act, University Act)
- Central Queensland University Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students Provider Codes
- Central Queensland University International (CQU International, CQUI)
- Certificate
- Certification date
- Cheating
- Citizenship
- Collusion
- Combined programs
- Commencing student
- Commencing student for Research Training Scheme (RTS)
- Commercialisation
- Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
- Commonwealth industry places
- Commonwealth supported place
- Commonwealth supported student
- Communications Learning Centre (CLC)
- Complaint
- Complicity
- Confirmation of enrolment (COE)
- Consultancy
- Continuing student
- Continuous assessment
- Convocation
- Core course
- Corequisite
- Corrective action
- Counselling services - at Queensland Regional Campuses
- Course
- Course Coordinator
- Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ)
- Course level
- Course profile
- Coursework component
- Credentialled learning
- Credit (C)
- Credit for previous study
- Credit transfer
- Criterion-referenced assessment
- Cross-institution program
- Cross-institutional enrolment
- Deferment
- Deferred Assessment (DA)
- Deferred Examination (DE)
- Degree
- Degrees with distinction
- Delivery mode
- Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST)
- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)
- Department of Immigration, Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (DIMIA)
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor (DVC)
- Desktop videoconferencing
- Diploma
- Direct entry
- Discipline group
- Discontinued course
- Discontinued program
- Dissertation
- Distance Education (DE)
- Distance Education (DE) Mentor
- Distinction (D)
- Doctoral degree
- Domestic student
- Double Degree
- Downgrade
- Download
- Dual Award
- Dual badging
- Duration
- Early Career Researcher (ECR )
- Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000
- Elective course
- Enabling programs
- English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS)
- Enrolled student
- Enrolment
- Enrolment date
- Equity groups
- Equivalent Full-time Student Load (EFTSL)
- Ethical clearance
- Examination
- Examination centre
- Examination formats
- Examination instructions
- Examination period
- Examination room
- Examination script
- Examiner
- Exchange student
- Exclusion
- Exempt provider
- Exemption
- Exit award
- External student
- External study
- Faculty
- Faculty Education Committee (FEC, Ed Committee)
- Faculty Education Sub-Committee Assessment Hearing
- Faculty Research Committee (FRC)
- Fail (F)
- Fee
- Fee paying non overseas postgraduate student
- Fee paying non overseas undergraduate student
- Fee paying overseas student
- Fee paying student
- Field of education
- Field of study classification
- Field trip
- Final grade
- Final year of secondary education
- First Class Honours
- Flex student
- Flexible delivery
- For Improving Research Supervision Training (fIRST)
- Formative assessment
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Full motion video
- Full-time load
- Full-time student - domestic
- Full-time study
- Funding
- Funding opportunity
- General staff of the university
- Generic skills
- Gladstone Campus (GLD)
- Gladstone Clean Coal Centre (GC3)
- Gladstone Engineering Centre (GEC)
- Gold Coast International Campus (GDC)
- Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- Grades
- Graduand
- Graduate
- Graduate Destination Survey (GDS)
- Graduate Skills Assessment
- Graduation
- Grant Application Cover Sheet
- Grants and Industry Liaison Officer
- Group assessment
- Higher Doctorate
- Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS)
- Higher Education Contribution Scheme - Higher Education Loan Programme (HECS-HELP)
- Higher Education Loan Programme (HELP)
- Higher degree research program
- Higher education award
- Higher education institution
- Higher education program
- Higher education provider
- Honours
- Honours classification
- Hub
- Hub coordinators
- Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC)
- Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC)
- Inadmissible combination
- Incomplete (I)
- Independent marker
- Indigenous Australian Postgraduate Research Award (IAPRA)
- Indigenous people
- Institution purpose
- Institutional Grants Scheme (IGS)
- Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
- Intellectual Honesty
- Intellectual property
- Interactive System-wide Learning (ISL)
- Interim awards
- Interim results
- Internal
- Internal student
- International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
- International Postgraduate Research Award (IPRA)
- International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS)
- International student
- Invigilator
- Isolated student
- Lead lecturer
- Learning site
- Leave of absence
- Level of course
- Local students
- Location codes
- Low socio-economic status student
- Mailing address
- Main criterion
- Major program
- Major within a program
- Master's degree
- Maximum period for completion of a program
- Migration Act 1958
- Ministerial Council On Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA )
- Minor program
- Minor within a program
- Mode of attendance
- Multi-modal
- Multimedia
- National English Language Teaching Accreditation Scheme (NEAS)
- National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (NOOSR)
- National code - Education Services for Overseas Students
- Negative service indicators
- New to higher education
- No longer offered (NLO)
- Non-English Speaking Background (NESB)
- Non-academic classification
- Non-award course
- Non-award study
- Non-overseas student/graduate
- Non-school leaver
- Non-standard examination period
- Not Sat (NS)
- Not offered (NO)
- OS-HELP debt confirmation form
- Off Campus Mentoring
- Off-shore campus
- Off-shore location
- Off-shore student
- Offers - Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre
- Office of Higher Education (OHE)
- Office of Research
- On-shore student
- Online
- Open learning studies
- Outside Studies Program (OSPRO)
- Overall position - Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (OP)
- Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
- Overseas student
- Part-time load
- Part-time student
- Part-time study
- Partner Investigator (PI)
- Pass (P)
- Pass Conceded (PC)
- Pass Non-grade (PN)
- Pass Terminating (PT)
- Payment plan
- Permanent Humanitarian Visa
- Permanent Humanitarian Visa Holder
- Permanent resident status
- Place fully funded by employer
- Plagiarism
- Plan within a program
- Portal task
- Postgraduate Research Experience Questionnaire (PREQ)
- Postgraduate program
- Postgraduate student
- Practical experience component
- Practicum
- Practicum Outstanding (PO)
- Prerequisite course
- Prior learning
- Privacy Act
- Prizes
- Professional Doctorate (PROF DOC)
- Program
- Program completion
- Program fully funded by an employer
- Program structure
- Program, Course
- Qualification
- Queensland Core Skills Test (QCST)
- Queensland Studies Authority (QSA)
- Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC)
- Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) code
- Quota place
- RFCD codes
- Readmission
- Recognised tertiary institution
- Recognition of prior learning
- Regional campuses
- Registered Training Organisation (RTO)
- Research
- Research Infrastructure Block Grant Scheme (RIBG)
- Research Training Scheme (RTS)
- Research higher degree (RHD)
- Research higher degree candidate
- Research higher degree candidature
- Research higher degree supervisor
- Residence
- Residential school
- Resource materials book
- Result Outstanding (RO)
- Review of Grade (ROG)
- Rockhampton Campus (ROK)
- Rural student
- Scholarship
- School leaver
- School leaver commencer
- Second Class Honours, Division A
- Second Class Honours, Division B
- Secondary education
- Selection rank
- Semester
- Show cause
- Skills for Tertiary Education Program (STEPS)
- Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT test)
- Specialisation
- Specified credit
- Standard examination period
- Stipend
- Student
- Student Handbook - Central Queensland University
- Student Learning Entitlement (SLE)
- Student Ombudsman
- Student incident report
- Student misconduct
- Student visa
- Student with a disability
- Study break
- Study guide
- Successful (S)
- Summative assessment
- Supervision
- Supervisor
- Supplementary Assessment (SA)
- Supplementary Examination (SE)
- Supplementary Pass (SP)
- Suspended course
- Suspension
- Technical and Further Education (TAFE)
- Term
- Termination of enrolment
- Tertiary Entrance score (TE score)
- Testamur
- Thesis
- Third Class Honours
- Transfer
- Transfer Credit
- Tuition Assurance Scheme (TAS)
- Tuition fee
- Type of attendance
- Type of enrolment
- Unauthorised material (examinations)
- Undergraduate (UGRD)
- Undergraduate program
- Unit of study - Department of Education, Science and Training
- Units of credit (UC)
- University rule
- University statute
- Unsatisfactory academic progress
- Unspecified credit
- Unsuccessful (U)
- Upgrade
- Vocational Education and Training (VET)
- Weighted Grade Point Average (WGPA)
- Withdrawal from a course
- Withdrawal without penalty
- Withdrawn Fail (WF)
- Women in Research (WIR)
- Work Placement
- Work experience
- Work experience in industry
- e.courses
Academic calendar
The academic calendar is also known as the Calendar of Principal Dates. It is set by the Council and specifies the official dates for the terms that comprise the teaching periods of an academic year, the dates of examination periods and vacations, and other significant events like residential schools and census dates. It is published in the CQU Student Handbook.
See Student Handbook for current�Academic calendar
Source: Student Dictionary