Programs & Courses 2009
Student Handbook Home: Edition 1


Course Code Course Name Offered in 2009
COIT13122 Machine Intelligence No
ENEE13014 Machines, Drives & Control Yes
ECON19033 Macroeconomics Yes
BMED19010 Macromolecules and Cell Function Yes
ENEM13012 Maintenance Engineering Yes
ENMM20014 Maintenance Leadership Yes
ENMM29025 Maintenance Management Research Project A Yes
ENMM29026 Maintenance Management Research Project B Yes
ENMM20020 Maintenance Materials Management Yes
ENMM20012 Maintenance Organisation Yes
ENMG21003 Maintenance Strategy Establishment & Implementation No
ENMM20013 Maintenance Systems and Documentation Yes
BUSN20005 Major Dissertation A No
BUSN20006 Major Dissertation B No
ZOOL13012 Mammalian Physiology No
ACCT19060 Management Accounting Yes
ACCT20048 Management Accounting Systems Yes
MGMT11165 Management Principles Yes
COIT13228 Managing & Securing Networks No
BIOT29001 Managing Biotechnology Commercialisation No
EDED11400 Managing Diversity Yes
EDED20472 Managing Diversity in Education No
FAHE11001 Managing E-Learning Yes
MGMT20093 Managing in a Dynamic Environment No
HRMT19020 Managing Organisational Change Yes
HRMT20018 Managing the Employment Relationship Yes
MARN13013 Marine Environmental Impact Assessment No
EDED20440 Market Positioning Yes
MRKT20025 Market Research Yes
MRKT11029 Marketing Yes
MRKT20019 Marketing Management Yes
MRKT19036 Marketing of Service Products Yes
MRKT19040 Marketing Plans Yes
MRKT19038 Marketing Research Yes
MQPR40001 Masters Qualifying Project (1) No
MQPR40002 Masters Qualifying Project (2) Yes
ENEG12001 Materials & Processes Yes
MDWF29002 Maternity Research Project Yes
MATH29003 Mathematical Modelling A No
MATH29004 Mathematical Modelling B No
STAT13033 Mathematical Statistics No
CQUN41017 Mathematics Fundamentals Yes
MATH19201 Mathematics Honours Project/Thesis A No
MATH19202 Mathematics Honours Project/Thesis B No
MATH11163 Mathematics IA Yes
MATH11164 Mathematics IB Yes
MATH19203 Mathematics Topic A No
MATH19204 Mathematics Topic B No
MATH19205 Mathematics Topic C No
ENAG11004 Measurement and Data Analysis Yes
HMSC11004 Measurement and Evaluation in Health and Human Performance Yes
ENAM12002 Mechanical Analysis Yes
ENAM12006 Mechanical Component Selection Yes
ENEM13013 Mechanical Systems Yes
ENAG11005 Mechanics Yes
JOUR20016 Media and Communication Yes
JOUR11004 Media Ethics No
COMM12016 Media Industries Yes
LAWS12024 Media Law Yes
EDED20447 Media Relations in Arts Administration Yes
COMM11007 Media Writing Yes
CULT19014 Melodrama Film and Gender No
HLTH12029 Mental Health Promotion Yes
CHEM12019 Metals in Chemistry No
MBIO13007 Microbial Ecology Yes
EDSE11006 Middle Phase Pedagogy Yes
MUSC11381 Midi: Sequencing & Notation No
MDWF21002 Midwifery Practice Yes
MDWF20003 Midwifery Practice A No
MDWF20005 Midwifery Practice B No
ENML21002 Mine Economics & Costing No
ENAR12004 Mine Management and Safety Yes
ENMG21002 Mine Occupational Health & Safety No
ENAR12010 Mine Product Handling Yes
ENAR12005 Mine Surveying and Mapping Yes
ENAR12008 Mineral Processing Yes
ENAR11002 Mining and Metallurgy Yes
ENMG21006 Mining Technology No
ENMG21008 Mining, Environment & Development No
MGMT20083 Models of Sustainable Development No
JAZZ10037 Modern Harmony and Improvisation 3 No
JAZZ10038 Modern Harmony and Improvisation 4 No
HIST19035 Modern History of South East Asia No
PHYS13194 Modern Optics Yes
BIOL12106 Molecular Biology & Cell Culture Yes
SOCL19061 Movements, Cults and Social Change Yes
MUSC11383 Multimedia: Video Music Production No
MATH12172 Multivariable Calculus Yes
MUSC13410 Music Business in the New Millennium No
MUSC11394 Music Language Studies 1 No
MUSC11395 Music Language Studies 2 No
MUSC12405 Musimathics No

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