Programs & Courses 2007
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2
Be What You Want To Be: 13CQUni (132786)
Student Handbook : Honours : Program Group : CK20

CK20 - Bachelor of Engineering Technology/Bachelor of Learning Management (Secondary and VET) - no new enrolments

Program Aim
Note: There will be no further enrolments into this program from 2007. Information on these pages is provided for continuing students only. Students enrolled in CK20 should seek advice regarding their study progression.



This double degree program targets the development of technology education trainers and educators at the Engineering Technologist/Registered Teacher level (See the CQU Glossary for definition of a double degree, available from  The program aims to produce dual qualified graduates who can apply knowledge and skills in analysis, apply technological and educational practice and principles, exhibit practice and management skills and social responsibility to existing and new technology education areas.


More specifically, the program aims to produce people who can:

  • apply practical, applications-orientated technology, and technology-related education skills
  • analyse the capacity and interactions of technology and educational processes and/or operations
  • apply and modify engineering technology and education design and functions
  • work ethically and competently to achieve effective engineering and educational outcomes
  • contribute to the strategic management of engineering and technology education
  • optimise the performance of engineering and education systems
  • select safe and sustainable materials, components and systems
  • utilise appropriate educational pedagogy.


Program Structure

Students must complete 37 courses/222 units of credit.


All students (except advanced standing entry students) entering the program will undertake a common first year. Students will then be counselled to enrol in a program of study in one of the nominal engineering discipline streams in the second year.  Alternative programs may be available for students with full-time or part-time employment.  Students who wish to vary their program must apply in writing, stating their career goals and the alternative courses in which they wish to enrol.  There are, however, limitations imposed by the registration and accreditation requirements of the appropriate external accreditation and registration authorities.

In each academic year, full-time students are expected to complete a minimum of 8 courses (each is nominally allocated 6 units of credit) (part-time students may select between 2 and 5 courses).  Alternatively, exemptions from engineering courses may be sought via RPL/RCC (See section on Credit Transfer).  Thus each year of equivalent full-time study in the proposed program has a credit point value of between 48 and 60 units of credit.


NOTE that Engineering Technology courses in second and third year are offered in external mode only.

BET/BLM plans:

  • civil
  • electrical, power
  • electronic and communications
  • industrial instrumentation
  • mechanical

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