Programs & Courses 2007
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2

PSYC20026 Advanced Studies in Psychology

Course details

This course comprises two modules and is worth 12 credit points. Both modules will run in the Autumn term. Module I is called Theoretical Issues. Module II is called Advanced Data Analysis and has been designed to expose students to various multivariate statistical techniques. Both modules are weighted equally, that is, each contributes 50% to the course's overall grade. Students must pass BOTH modules in order to gain a pass in the course.
Module 1: Theoretical Issues. This module aims to provide an understanding of the "theory" which has confronted "cognitive behavioural therapy".
Historically, philosophical disputes over epistemology about the best way to understand behaviour have divided psychologists. Furthermore, within a given philosophical perspective, psychologists remain divided over:
o which theory best describes cognition and behaviour;
o which model of training best prepares a student for psychological practice;
o how theory influences actual psychological practice.
This module focuses on both conceptual and practical implications of "cognitive behavioural theory".
You will be expected to synthesize some of the different approaches and theoretical debates to make decisions about how various theoretical issues inside and outside the paradigm of "cognitive behavioural theory" contribute to and influence the development of the theoretical and practical aspects of this paradigm.
Module 2: Advanced Data Analysis
This module extends the statistical techniques introduced in the course PSYC13015 (Advanced Methods in Psychology). In addition, it introduces students to the powerful and relatively new technique of Structural Equation Modelling. The aim of this course is to provide the necessary background for students who will do research as part of their graduate or professional careers. The goal of this module is to provide students with the skills to tackle complex research designs, to understand the nature of parametric techniques, and to be aware of the range of methodologies available. The use of SPSS for Windows and AMOS programs will be heavily emphasised.

It is a requirement of enrolment in the course that students have access to the CQU World Wide Web site via the Internet. This course has a compulsory residential school for distance students prior to the commencement of term. Distance education students will be required to attend a residential school for this course.

Course at a glance
Career: Postgraduate
Credit points: 12
Requisites: Prerequisite: Academic Program = CU97
Student Contribution Band: 1
EFTSL: 0.25000
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Course availability
Term Campus
This course is not offered for this handbook year
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Course evaluation reports

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