Programs & Courses 2007
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2

EDCU20008 Curriculum and Change

Course details

Efforts to modernise the curriculum are being brought about by changes in the social basis of education institutions (eg. changes in the nature of students); changes in the political economy of education (eg. corporatisation, privatisation); and changes in the knowledge now required to address global changes (eg. the increasing prominence of technology in education). The core modules in this course examine some of the different arguments that might be used to inform and justify our efforts to modernise the curriculum (eg. appeals to social justice). Option modules provide students with the opportunity to consider Aboriginal studies, Australia-Asia relations and education, and action research.

Course at a glance
Career: Postgraduate
Credit points: 6
Requisites: This course has no pre/co-requisites
Student Contribution Band: 7
EFTSL: 0.12500
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Course availability
Term Campus
This course is not offered for this handbook year
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Course evaluation reports

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