Programs & Courses 2007
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2

MUSC13393 Vocal Studies 6

Course details

This course has a pre-requisite of Vocal Studies 5. There are two modules in this course: vocal module and aural musicianship module. The vocal module will provide an introduction to the principles of vocal production. It will include a regular vocal lesson, a regular workshop with focus on performance and technical problems and a regular lecture that will cover basic anatomy, physiology and pedagogical issues relevant to the study of the voice. In this course The lectures will focus on areas of teaching goals and teaching techniques relevant to vocal production and personal and professional development and business skills for the performer. Vocal lessons will concentrate on perfecting the use of breath, support and placement of the voice with specific application to repertoire for the exam at the end of the course. The student will be working on advanced scales and exercises to strengthen the registers of the voice, and to develop evenness of range and colour throughout the voice. The performance repertoire of this course is tailored to meet each student's particular learning needs and the content is negotiated with the lecturer to ensure that the course value adds to the student's learning and to their program of study. The vocal module aims to develop the highest possible interpretative and executant ability of the chosen repertoire.
The aural musicianship module is integral to the study of the voice. The singer must have good aural perception of melody, harmony and rhythm. In order to satisfy this aim, the study of Musicianship has been nested within this course. Each succeeding course in Vocal Studies will require students to demonstrate a greater degree of both interpretative and executant skill development in their performance and a higher degree of aural acuity.

Course at a glance
Career: Undergraduate
Credit points: 6
Requisites: MUSC 13392 Vocal Studies 5 prerequisite for MUSC 13393 Vocal Studies 6
Student Contribution Band: 1
EFTSL: 0.12500
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Course availability
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2007 Term Two CQCM
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Course evaluation reports

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