Programs & Courses 2007
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2

THTR13095 Acting 3B

Course details

This course is offered to Bachelor of Music Theatre students and will concentrate on the development of modern drama and music theatre and the major influences on dramatic expression this century. Students will explore developments in theatre from realism and naturalism, through symbolism and the absurd, to expressionism and epic theatre. The emerging role of the director will be examined and aspects of production and their impact on the actor will be assessed. Music theatre in its various forms and the relationship of text, song and dance will be studied.

Course at a glance
Career: Undergraduate
Credit points: 3
Requisites: Prerequisite: THTR 13094
Student Contribution Band: 1
EFTSL: 0.06250
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Course availability
Term Campus
This course is not offered for this handbook year
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Course evaluation reports

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