Programs & Courses 2007
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2

ENEC13007 Analysis of Structures & Stresses

Course details

This course introduces students to both classical and modern methods of structural analysis of structures. Classical methods are introduced to enable students to develop a deeper understanding of structural behaviour. In this course, students will study the modern Stiffness Matrix Method and the following classical methods: Moment-Area Method, Conjugate-Beam Method, Method of Consistent Deformation, and Moment Distribution Method. Students will also develop competency in using influence lines to analyse the effect of moving loads on statically determinate beams and trusses. Students will learn how to idealise structures for analysis, and to use computer software to carry out analysis.

Course at a glance
Career: Undergraduate
Credit points: 6
Requisites: Prereq: ENEC12003 or ENCV12075
Student Contribution Band: 2
EFTSL: 0.12500
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Course availability
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2007 Term Two ROK
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