Programs & Courses 2007
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2

EDED11350 Technologies for Learning and Teaching

Course details

(Not offered in 2004.) This course comprises several modules. The first compulsory module examines selected philosophical and ethical issues central in using various technologies in structured learning environments. Two of these issues are: How can technology aid learning; and, What are the arguments for and against using technology to support learning? Optional modules in the course allow students to become technologically literate with reference to specific technologies involving the use of print, video, audio and computer based educational technologies, and to develop critical skills in their use in structured learning contexts.

Course at a glance
Career: Undergraduate
Credit points: 6
Requisites: This course has no pre/co-requisites
Student Contribution Band: 7
EFTSL: 0.12500
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Course availability
Term Campus
This course is not offered for this handbook year
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Course evaluation reports

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