Programs & Courses 2007
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2

EDED11345 Assessing Learners

Course details

Individualised assessment of learners lies at the heart of modern teaching/training approaches, and the responsibility for this assessment is increasingly being viewed as that of the teacher and/or trainer, with assistance from support staff and personnel as appropriate. The course offers a comprehensive overview of current assessment practices including both theoretical issues and workplace applications. The course involves direct work, either with school children or adult learners as part of the assessment requirements.

Course at a glance
Career: Undergraduate
Credit points: 6
Requisites: This course has no pre/co-requisites
Student Contribution Band: 7
EFTSL: 0.12500
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Course availability
Term Campus
This course is not offered for this handbook year
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Course evaluation reports

Course evaluation results may be accessed using the Course Evaluation application in the My.CQU Portal at

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