BLCN13034 Construction Economics 2 (NC)

Course description

The overall aims of this course are to: to understand the research methods and decision processes that are undertaken from the initial project or development idea through to project feasibility; understand the purpose and methodology in conducting feasibility studies and initial project evaluation; be familiar with purpose and methodology in conducting cost benefit analysis and investment decision techniques; understand the issues associated with investment strategies and pricing techniques that can influence the initial project accept or reject decision; be familiar with the methodologies and techniques used to assist cost control and benchmarking for project feasibilities and project evaluations; and understand the techniques used to appraise a project using the quantitative and qualitative techniques of value management to increase the likelihood of better long-term outcomes for a project.

Course at a glance

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Physical Systems
Career: Undergraduate
Units of credit: 6
Requisites: Prereq: BLAR13047 or [BLCN14005 & BLSV12013]
Student Contribution Band: Band 2
EFTSL 0.12500

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Course availability

Term Campuses