Students must be aware of the following enrolment rules which may affect their ability to commence or continue studies at CQU.
For general information regarding enrolment for research higher degrees, contact the Office of Research on 07 4923 2602.
CQU offers places in undergraduate and postgraduate award programs to domestic students for a fee payable direct to the University.
The majority of students commencing postgraduate award programs in the 2003 academic year are required to pay full fees direct to the University. Only students commencing the Graduate Diploma of Midwifery are exempt from this requirement and will be offered a HECS liable place.
Continuing postgraduate students who are currently enrolled on a HECS basis will retain their HECS place as long as they maintain their enrolment in that program. An articulated program will be at the new full-fee levels (non HECS).
All students enrolled at Central Queensland University will receive an invoice advising the balance of their student account during each term. Failure to pay the Tuition component of these fees by the due date, may result in the cancellation of enrolment and/or the imposition of negative service indicators. NOTE: The outstanding fees will remain a debt on the student’s account. Enrolled students can check the balance of their account on e.rolment from Week One.
While the University will make every endeavour to preserve current fee levels, due to changing costs and circumstances, the possibility of fee rises cannot be ruled out.
The Higher Education Contribution Scheme requires students to contribute towards the cost of their higher education.
A HECS Payment Options Declaration Form is enclosed in the enrolment package for those students who are required to complete this form.
Failure to submit HECS Payment Options Declaration Forms upon commencement of a program of study will result in the cancellation of the program for that term.
Students who have changed their program of study must complete a new HECS payment option declaration form for their new program. Failure to provide this form prior to the Census date will result in the cancellation of the program for that term.
Students who are Australian citizens have the choice of:
All students enrolled at Central Queensland University will
receive an invoice advising the balance of their student account,
including an estimate of their HECS liability, and requesting payment
to be made prior to the Census date during each term. Students
who fail to make payment by the census date will have their enrolment
cancelled if they have not provided their Tax File Number to the
University .
When a continuing student wishes to alter their payment option, the student must complete a new Payment Options Declaration Form prior to the census date of the term in which the payment option is to take effect.
Specific rules apply to New Zealand citizens and Australian Permanent Residents. Students in these categories should refer to the HECS Information 2003 information booklet for specific details.
In general, HECS liabilities are incurred by all students who undertake higher education award programs funded by the Federal Government. However, exemption from HECS applies to students in the following categories:
An information booklet on HECS is included in enrolment
and registration packages.
Students requiring further information about HECS should contact the Student Finance section of Student Administration on 07 4923 2244, 07 4923 2243, or 07 4930 9395, or email, or contact the Student Service Line on 1300 550 900. The web address for Student Finance is
PELS is an interest free loans facility for eligible students enrolled in fee-paying, postgraduate non-research programs. It is similar to the deferred payment arrangments available under HECS.
PELS enables eligible students to obtain a loan from the Commonwealth Government to pay all or part of their tuition fees. The loan is repaid through the taxation system. Australian citizens and some permanent residents are eligible for PELS.
An information booklet, PELS - Your Questions Answered and a PELS Loan Request Form are included in the enrolment package sent to all domestic, postgraduate coursework students.
Students who opt to participate in the PELS scheme must be aware that the University imposed payment due dates may result in fees remaining due to the University in the event they opt to drop courses (please refer to the Student Finance Office for details).
Undergraduate Australian students who have been offered a full-fee-paying place must apply to the Admissions Office, CQU Rockhampton should they wish to utilise the Higher Education Contribution Scheme.
CQU offers places in undergraduate and postgraduate award programs to international students on a full-fee-paying basis only, with fees payable directly to the University.
All students enrolled at Central Queensland University will receive an invoice advising the balance of their student account during each term. Failure to pay tuition fees each term may result in the cancellation of enrolment and the imposition of late fees and negative service indicators.
Cancellation of enrolment due to the non-payment of tuition fees will be reported to DIMIA and may result in the cancellation of your student visa.
While the University will make every effort to preserve current fee levels the possibility of fee increase cannot be ruled out.
Students requiring further information regarding course fees for full-fee-paying programs should contact the International Student Finance Officer at the relevant campus. Students whose enrolment has been cancelled or who drop courses outside the dates advised to drop without financial penalty may still have outstanding financial obligations to Central Queensland University (refer to CQU Collections Policy).
Payment of Student Services Charge is a requirement of enrolment.
Students who have not paid the Student Services Charge by the due date will be deemed to be a Student Debtor. A Student Debtor may not be entitled to view or receive course results, receive official or unofficial transcripts, or any other academic document, nor will a Student Debtor be granted any award.
Please note: to avoid incorrect Student Services Charge being applied, students are required to ensure that e.rolment accurately reflects their correct Identification Centre and mode of attendance.
Payment Plans
Failure to meet the obligations of a Payment Plan may result in the cancellation of enrolment and the imposition of late fees and fees and negative service indicators.
Payment plans may only be offered in certain limited and restricted situations. Refer to for policy details.
Third Party Contracts
Failure to meet the obligations of a Third Party Contract may result in the cancellation of enrolment, and the cancellation of the Third Party Contract, and the imposition of negative service indicators.
Student Financial Account balance information is available via e.rolment to enrolled students for checking from week one onwards. Students should utilise the “View my Student Account” functionality of e.rolment to check account balances when enrolment changes are made.
International students at the Australian International Campuses seeking to apply for refunds should contact their respective campus. All other students including domestic full-fee-paying should contact the Student Finance Section of the Student Administration Office, CQU Rockhampton.
e.rolment is CQU’s web-based self-service enrolment and student information system. e.rolment gives students greater control over their personal student records. Students can through e.rolment:
For assistance in the use of e.rolment phone 1300 550 900
or email
For general information regarding enrolment for research higher degrees, contact the Office of Research on 07 4923 2602.
The last date for enrolment and/or swapping and/or adding of courses is end of Week Two for Term 2 and 3, and end of Week One for Term 1, 4 and 5.
Students wishing to cancel their enrolment in a particular program with the intention of not re-activating their enrolment at a future point, must drop all classes in which they are currently enrolled and contact the Student Service Line on 1300 550 900 or in the case of students studying at the Australian International Campuses, their Campus Administration, to formally advise that they wish to cancel their program. All enrolment transactions are subject to the conditions imposed by the University’s Academic Calendar and Refund Policies.
A student’s enrolment may be cancelled by the University when:
A student’s year of program is the year which they have successfully completed or in which they are currently studying at least half of the units of credit for that year in addition to units of credit for a previous year. Thus:
For the purpose of this definition “units of
credit” means “normal annual full-time load” which
varies depending on the Faculty through which the program is studied.
A student is classed as having lapsed their enrolment if they have withdrawn from all studies in any particular term. If a student’s enrolment has lapsed, they must contact the Student Services Line on 1300 550 900 to re-activate their enrolment. Students are then responsible for going online and adding courses for the coming terms.
Enrolment cannot be re-activated after the last day to add courses in a particular term. All enrolment transactions are subject to the conditions imposed by the University’s Academic Calendar and Refund Policies.
An enrolment can be lapsed for an unspecified period of time but not greater than ten years. Students who lapse their enrolment do not need to apply for a readmission unless they have lapsed their enrolment for a period of ten years.
Any international student who has made the following changes to their enrolment:
must, prior to recommencing their study at CQU, contact the relevant Australian campus regarding payment of tuition fees before a “Confirmation of Enrolment” form can be issued. Once issued, the student must present such to the Australian Embassy in their home country in order to make application for a Student Visa.
Applicants who are offered a quota place at any CQU campus, and who wish to transfer to another CQU campus other than an Australian International campus, must apply for a transfer by changing their preferences through QTAC. As the quota places at another CQU campus may have been filled already such offers may not always be successful.
Enrolled Students
Students must successfully complete one term of study before being eligible to apply for a Campus Transfer. Campus Transfers will only be assessed if applied for the Friday prior to the commencement of term.
If the program that a student has been studying, is not available at the campus that the student has applied for transfer to, the application will not be able to be processed. Please refer to the “Where Can I Study” section in this Handbook prior to applying for a Campus Transfer.
Students must apply in writing to the Student Records Officer, Student Administration to change campus. Change of Campus Application forms are available on the web at the following address
International Students
International students wishing to apply for a Campus Transfer must contact their campus Student Administration section for advice as any variation of enrolment will affect visa status. Students must have successfully completed at least one term’s study.
Campus Transfers will be dependent upon academic performance, place and course/program availability.
Please note that undergraduate international students, who have been successful in gaining Permanent Resident Status and wish to change campus and utilise the Higher Education Contribution Scheme, must reapply for admission to their program. Campus Transfers do not apply in this instance. Applications for readmission can be obtained by contacting the Undergraduate Admissions Officer at CQU Rockhampton.
A debtor student is a student who:
Refer to for policy details.
CQU CRICOS Provider Codes: QLD - 00219C; NSW - 01315F; VIC - 01624D
This handbook was correct as at: 16-06-2003