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BLCN14039  Infrastructure Planning

Offered from Autumn 2003

This course includes studies in the legal, commercial and technical aspects of the construction of major built infrastructure projects:

  • definitions, project types, ownership, delivery systems;
  • role of construction professional in procurement process: Market conditions, project delivery systems, constructability analysis, implementation and procurement plans, financial and non-financial returns;
  • Project Feasibility including heritage and native title considerations;
  • Project Risk Management: project objectives, risk identification techniques, risk management studies, quantitative and qualitative analysis, risk likelihood, sensitivity analysis, consequences of risk, probability, Monte-carlo simulations, impact mitigation, risk transfer, risk financing;
  • Introduction to managing Civil major Infrastructure projects; and
  • post-disaster management for restoration of built environment infrastructure.

Central Queensland University Handbook
This handbook was correct as at: 07-May-2002

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