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FINC20006 Organisational Finance
On completion of this course you should:
- be able to use financial mathematics for various financial
- be able to understand and critically evaluate "finance"
articles appearing in the financial press
- be able to join in rational financial decision making in
your organisation
- be appreciative of the progress in finance engendered
by theoretical and empirical research.
Successful achievement of these objectives will require your
dedicated attention. Finance is a difficult area, requiring strong
quantitative ability, sound reasoning skills, and a good retentive
Topics include: Introduction to finance; Introduction to accounting
and finance, terminology and relationships; Financial maths, interest
rates, valuation; Capital budgeting; Introduction to risk portfolio
theory; Capital asset pricing model - arbitrage pricing theory;
Risk analysis in capital budgeting; Capital markets - raising equity;
Raising debt, Capital structure; Working capital management; Dividend
policy. If you have recently completed studies in Organisational
Finance in an Australian undergraduate program, you are advised
to seek substitution for this course if it is compulsory for your
current program. Alternatively, if your program allows, you may
seek exemption.
Central Queensland University Handbook
This handbook was correct as at: 07-May-2002
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