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ECON20024 The Economics of the Asia Pacific
The study course is designed so that students,
through undertaking case studies on particular countries within the
selected group of fourteen will provide an update of the economic
performance of that particular country and any changes in its economic
relationships with other countries or grouping of countries in the
Asia Pacific Region.
This study course was designed to service the following objectives:
- To explain the nature of the key macroeconomic variables,
the principles of the determination of national income or output,
and, the measurement of economic growth and development emphasising
the role of international trace in that process;
- To identify cultural, social, institutional and political factors
that account for differences in economic performance between nations
and through time with particular emphasis on a selection of nations in
the Asia Pacific Region;
- Using the most recent, authoritatively sourced, economic
performance statistics, to compare the performance of this group
of economies, and to classify them into sub-groups exhibiting similarities in
terms of stage of development and the adoption of strategic planning
- To examine the roles of strategic trade alliances, savings,
domestic investment, deregulation, national planning and policy,
foreign investment and international aid in facilitating the economic development
process in each of these economies with a view to isolating key
success or retarding factors;
- To document unique aspects common to the Northeast Asian
(Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, People's Republic of
China, Vietnam) recent rapid growth achievements and to explore
the relationship between (i) the investment in human resources and
(ii) technological innovation/advancement and economic
growth and productivity improvement;
- To explain the concepts of regionalism, globalisation
or international economic pluralism, economic integration, multi-lateralism,
economic unions, trading blocks and the free trade areas;
- To analyse Australia's future economic prospects in
the Asia Pacific Region and explain the meaning of getting
the economic fundamentals right' in this dynamic economic
development environment;
- To explore the advantages and drawbacks of Australia
in terms of its ability to become accepted as a partner within this
emerging economic superpower grouping of nations.
Central Queensland University Handbook
This handbook was correct as at: 07-May-2002
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