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MMST12005  Multimedia Development

This course teaches advanced multimedia development techniques - interactivity and presentation through scripting. Beginning with the fundamentals of programming in Lingo (Macromedia Director’s scripting language) this course covers script design, coding, debugging techniques, navigation, user interaction, sprite control, optimisation techniques, media synchronisation, and on-line distribution of multimedia titles. Practical work will involve the use of Macromedia Director and image-editing software such as Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Fireworks, Jasc Paint Shop Pro or equivalent. Access to a multimedia computer with an Internet connection, a CD-ROM drive and a Zip drive is a requirement for this course. Access to and use of Macromedia Director is also essential for this course. Students who enrol in this course are expected to have an understanding of the topics covered in 00201 Multimedia Design.

Central Queensland University Handbook
This handbook was correct as at: 07-June-2001

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