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ENVR11011 Environmental Science
This course aims to develop an awareness of the
value of the application of scientific knowledge and methods to
problems of environmental concern. This course is designed to be of
interest to both non-science and science majors. It is strongly
recommended that students without a science background undertake
a bridging program (see note). Topics covered are: the environment,
human population, resources and pollution; evolution of agricultural systems
and their environmental impact; ecosystems, community structure
and genetic diversity; structure of the atmosphere and air pollution;
energy - alternate sources and conservation; and nuclear power and
environmental consequences.
Note: Students who do not have a strong
background in biology, chemistry, or physics or who have been away
from study for an extended period are strongly recommended to take
a science bridging program such as: IntroBiol, IntroChem, IntroPhysics,
Unilearn Biology; or Unilearn Chemistry.
Text: Botkin, D.B., & Keller,
E.A.,Environmental Science, Earth as a Living Planet, 3rd ed., John
Wiley, 2000.
Central Queensland University Handbook
This handbook was correct as at: 07-June-2001
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