FACULTY OF INFORMATICS & COMMUNICATIONDean Professor Stewart Marshall BA(Phil)(Hons) York, GradDipEdTechnology, MPhil Leeds, MIEEIE (UK), IENG (UK) Professor of Mathematics Vacant Professor of Journalism & Media Studies Alan Knight BA Qld, PhD Wgong Professor of Information Technology Celia Romm BA, DipEd Ben-Gurion, MA, PhD Toronto Professor of Open & Flexible Learning Systems John Dekkers MSc UNSW, PhD ANU Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning) Associate Professor Kevin Tickle BSc, MScSt Qld, PhD Griffith, MIEAust, AStat Associate Dean (Research) Associate Professor Xinghuo Yu BSc, MSc USTC, PhD SEUC, SMIEEE, MACM, MAAAI Head of School - Computing & Information Systems Associate Professor Shirley Gregor BSc Qld, GradDipComp Bendigo CAE, MAppSc CQU, PhD Qld, MACS, MACM Head of School - Contemporary Communication Andrew Wallace BA(Hons), PhD Qld Head of School - Mathematical & Decision Sciences Robert McDougall BAppSc(Maths)(Hons), PhD CQU, GradDipTeach Kelvin Grove, MAustMS Honorary Staff Professor Graham Wood BSc(Hons) Otago, PhD ANU Don Herbison-Evans MA, DPhil - former Senior Lecturer, Basser Department of Computer Science, University of Sydney, Sydney. Oxon Honorary Senior Fellow Scott Newman BSc Colorado, MSc Idaho Kameswara Rao Ayyalaraju BSc(Math) Andhra, MSc(Math) Benaras Hindu, MTech(NonlinearMech), PhD Indian Institute of Technology Wayne Pullan BA, BSc(Hons) Cant, MSc Otago, PhD CQU, MACS, MACM, MIEEE Lynn Zelmer BEd Alta, MS Stout, PhD Qld, MACM Honorary Fellow Liping Zhao BSc CETU China, MPhil, PhD Leeds, MBCS - Mill Park, Melbourne. John Lowry BSc(Hons) James Cook Associate Professors Evelyn Hovenga RN, CertWork, DipAppSc HN&UM, BAppSc(AdvNsg), MHA, PhD UNSW, FCHSA Russel Stonier BSc(Hons), PhD Qld Greg Whymark BSc Qld, MSc Wgong, PhD UNSW, MACS, PCP, MASOR, MACM Senior Lecturers Ronald Balsys BAppSc, MAppSc UTS, MACS Jeff Cooke BSc NMIMT, MSc UNM, PhD QUT, MACM, MIEE Michael Drumm BSc(Hons), PhD Aston, AFIMA Jo-Anne Luck BSc Qld, GradDipCmmlCmptg QIT, GradDipAppComp CQU, MIT QUT, MACS David Oliver BA Warwick, MTech Bruns, MACS David Ruxton BSc ANU, GradDipEd, MAppSc CQU, EngSurvCert(Hons), MACS Muhammad Salam MSc, PhD Cant, MCMSA, MAMS USA, MAMS AUS, Associate Fellow ICA Ross Shepherd BSc(Hons) Qld, PhD UNE Errol Vieth BA Qld, MEd Deakin, Phd Griffith, DipEd Flinders, GradDipMultiCultEd BCAE Saleh Wasimi MScEng BUET, PhD Iowa, MIEAust, MASCE Lecturers Renay Buchanan BAppSc(Comp) UCQ, MPET(DE) Deakin Peter Cherry BAppSc CIAE Evan Coulston BE(Mech) CIAE, BAppSc(Maths&Comp) UCCQ, AMACS Geoff Danaher BA(Hons), PhD CQU, DipEd Qld Jeannette Delamoir BA LaTrobe, MA SUNY Kathryn Egea BAppSc(Maths&Comp) UCCQ, CertTeach Kelvin Grove Helen Ester BA ANU, DipEd Syd, MA(Journalism) Wgong Jacqui Ewart BA CQU, MA(AboriginalStudies) UniSA Michael Gregory BSc(Hons) EAnglia, MACS David Jones BA Qld Naimatullah Khan BSc(Hons), MSc Karachi, MInfSys CQU Teresa Lynch BAppSc(Comp) UCQ, BComp(Hons) CQU Brendan Murphy BAppSc(Phys) CIAE, BA(Hons) CQU Wai Keung (Daniel) Pun BA NTHU, MCompStud NE, MAAAI, MAIS, MIEEE, MACS Phillip Robertson BA Swarthmore, PhD Hong Kong Stephen Smith MSc Manc Associate Lecturers Sue Lindsay BSc(Hons), MSc Canterbury Michael OMalley BAppSc QIT Jeff Young BA UCQ CQU BundabergSenior Lecturers Tim Roberts BSc(Hons) UCL, PostGradDipCompStud WACAE, MAppSc Cowan Karl Neuenfeldt BSc Wisc, MA, DipEd Fraser, PhD Curtin Lecturer Phillip Roe BA(Hons), PhD Murdock Associate Lecturers Margaret Flanders BCom Qld, MAppSc CQU Angelika Schlotzer ADComp UCCQ, BAppSc(Comp) CQU, GradDipFET USQ, MACS Michael Turnbull BAppSc QUT, GAIP, JP CQU GladstoneSenior Lecturer Andrew Wallace BA(Hons), PhD Qld Associate Lecturers Paul Hannah BAppSc(Hons) CQU Maria Madsen BSc(Chem) Gannon, BSc(Hons) Griffith, GradDipAppComp CQU, MACS CQU MackaySenior Lecturers Roderick Jewell BE(Hons), PhD UNSW, DipBldgSc Syd, MIEAust, CPEng Victor Korotkich MSc Moscow Phys/Tech Inst, PhD Soviet Academy of Sciences Moscow, Diploma IBC Cambridge Arthur Pinkney BSc, BCom Qld, MSc James Cook, DipInfProc Qld Lecturers Donald Alexander LIB Otago, MA CSU Steven Pace BAppSc(Maths & Comp) UCCQ, MAppSc CQU, MACS-PCP Administrative StaffAdministrative Officer/Secretary to School of Computing & Information Systems Elaine Alexander Administrative Officer/Secretary to School of Contemporary Communication Leonie Healey Administrative Officer/Secretary to School of Mathematical & Decision Sciences Kylie White Executive Assistant to Associate Dean (Research) Kathy Thomas BA UCan Administrative Assistant/Secretary to Professor Celia Romm Dianne Flechter Adminstrative Assistant/Secretary to Professor John Dekkers Ann OBrien Executive Assistant to Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning) Sharon Parr Faculty Administration Officer Judy Yewdale Faculty Support Officer Kylie White Finance Officer Anne Condon Faculty Support Officer Kylie White Marketing & Outreach Officer Shuron Underwood Multicampus Operations Officer Jeff Lewis BBus(Computing) UCCQ Planning & Strategic Development Officer Lex Johnson BSc Qld, CertTEFLA RSA/Cambridge, MASOR Program Administrator CQU Bundaberg Joanne McInnerney BA CQU, BA Curtin Program Administrator CQU Mackay Melinda Midgley BBus CQU Program Administrators CQU Rockhampton Kerrie Bloxsom Bob Hudson BInfoTech CQU Program Administrator (Offshore Operations) Sharlene Fallon Receptionist Kerry Walz Systems Administrator Damien Clark BComp CQU Teaching & Learning Support Officer Cheryl Clifford Technical Administrator Chris Lenz Technical Officers Conrad Jenkins BTech(Elec) CQU Dan Yarrow Web Administrator Mary Cranston BAppSc(Comp) CQU