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Examinations - Rules



  1. Ancillary Materials” refers to materials supplied by CQU. It includes but is not limited to: graph paper; statistical books; formula sheets; periodic tables; conversion books; optical mark reader cards and legislation.
  2. Closed book examinations” refers to examinations where the candidate may not take into the examination room any study materials. Exceptions are ancillary or other type/selection of materials considered necessary by the lecturer for the completion of the examination, which must be specified on the frontice of the examination paper.
  3. Examination centre” refers to the physical location where a candidate may, given appropriate conditions, undertake a formal CQU examination.
  4. Electronic devices” include, but are not limited to, calculators with alphanumeric keyboards or other programmable forms, mobile telephones, pagers, any form of electronic dictionary and other electronic means of communication.
  5. Examination script” refers to the worked examination answer booklet and/or examination paper, rough working paper and other ancillary materials related to that examination.
  6. Students should familiarise themselves with the definition of “misadventure” set out below, which is relevant in the administration of Academic Regulations relating to:
    1. requirements to complete a course;
    2. the award of a deferred examination;
    3. withdrawal (without academic penalty) from a course;
    4. exclusion from enrolment; and
    5. restructured/provisional enrolment.
    6. Misadventure” is defined as an unexpected event which is not part of the normal risk of academic studies, employment, family or social life and which is outside the student’s control to prevent or to overcome. It must also be clear the misadventure disrupted previously satisfactory work.

    Except in the case of applications for deferred examinations, it must be shown the alleged misadventure seriously interfered with the student’s studies to the extent that had it not occurred, he or she would in all likelihood have given a satisfactory performance.
  7. Normal risk” is defined as such matters as the average student could be expected to meet in his or her environment. In the normal program of events the following would be regarded as part but not an exclusive list of the normal risk:
    1. inability to cope with studies or to adjust to family life;
    2. demands of employment (in themselves or in consequence of promotion), including periods of pressure and being absent temporarily from one’s normal place of residence;
    3. tension with or between parents, spouses and other persons closely involved with the student;
    4. demands of sport, clubs (including CQU Clubs), all social activities and religious commitments; and
    5. need for financial support.
    6. These examples do not preclude consideration of extreme cases which arise in any of the categories as a result of unexpected situations beyond the student’s control.
    7. Open book examinations” refers to examinations where the candidate may take into the examination room any study materials that are considered necessary to complete the examination. Restrictions may be placed on the type/selection of materials by lecturers, and these will be specified on the frontice of the examination paper.
  8. Under normal circumstances, “unauthorised” materials refers to materials brought into the examination room by the candidate that are not specified on the frontice of the examination paper. Unauthorised materials include, but are not limited to brief cases, study books, notes, mobile phones, pagers, other electronic communication devices, shopping bags, hats, programmable electronic calculation devices, electronic dictionaries, paper, tissues, blotting paper, writing paper, food and drinks, graph paper.
  9. Allied Health Practitioner” does not refer to practitioners of alternative medicine, naturopaths, herbalists, etc. unless they are registered practitioners.

Formal examination periods are contained in the Calendar of Principal Dates in this Handbook. The University will endeavour to schedule examinations only in the one week period designated for examinations. However, it may be necessary to schedule examinations outside of these
designated periods.



Examination Advice

  1. Each term externally enrolled students at CQU will be issued with an Examination Advice notice, which is a personalised examination timetable detailing the dates, times, and locations of examinations a student is required to sit.
  2. Students must ensure that all details printed on this advice, and in particular course enrolment details and examination centre locations are correct. Should any information appear incorrect, and/or changes required, students should notify the Examinations Section immediately. Failure to notify the Examinations section of any changes and/or concerns may jeopardise a student’s examination candidature.
  3. Students, who have not received an Examination Advice approximately 3 weeks prior to the commencement of the examination period, are responsible for contacting the Examinations Section to determine the status of their candidacy and to ensure the correct examination timetable for courses to be examined.
  4. All students have access to their own personalised examination timetable on SATURN. Contact the Student Records Section of Student Administration if unsure of access.
  5. Internal students can access the Room Allocation Roster located on all Faculty noticboards, to ensure awareness of examination rooms. The Roster is available two weeks prior to the examination period.

Examination Timetable

  1. A preliminary examination timetable will be published on the Internet and circulated to Faculty Noticeboards to allow for comments and objections for a 2 week period . After completion of the 2 week period, and all comments and objections have been considered, the preliminary timetable will be updated and published as the FINAL TIMETABLE. Because the Preliminary Timetable is subject to major change, if incorrect information regarding dates, times and locations is gained from this Timetable it will not be considered grounds for a deferred examination.
  2. Comments and objections should be made in writing, setting out full details to the Manager, Examinations, Student Administration.
  3. Examination timetables, preliminary and final, will be published on all main CQU noticeboards, and the Internet.
  4. Students, who have requested late enrolment changes and are unaware of their examination candidacy, should contact the Examinations Section no later than 21 days prior to the commencement of the examination period.

Examination Centres

  1. CQU will endeavour to provide examination centres in close proximity to all candidates. Where it is impractical for candidates to undertake an examination at a particular centre, they may request a change of centre by contacting the Examinations Section, Student Administration.
  2. Where sitting at an examination centre will involve travelling more than 100 kilometres, students may nominate a centre in which to sit their examinations, subject to approval from the CQU Examinations Section.
  3. All nominated examination centres are subject to CQU Examinations Section approval.
  4. Changes will not be made to examination centres at the request of distance education candidates within 14 working days prior to the commencement of the formal examination period.
  5. Internal students, as defined by their program attendance, are required to sit for examinations at the campus of their enrolment. Requests for permission to sit for examinations at another CQU campus or external examination centre must be accompanied by full supporting documentation.
    1. Only in exceptional circumstances will an internal student be permitted to sit for an examination at another centre.
    2. Candidates requesting a change due to exceptional circumstances must write, with supporting documentary evidence to the Manager, Examinations. Changes will only then be made on payment of the change of centre fee, which is $30 per course.

Invigilator Responsibility

  1. Examination invigilators are empowered to give directions to candidates concerning the conduct of examinations. They are, on behalf of the Vice-President (Administration), in control of the examination room.
  2. Invigilators will instruct candidates when to enter the room, commence perusal, commence the examination and when the examination is finished.

Examination Times

  1. Examinations at CQU campuses and external centres begin at 9 am and 1.30 pm, with the Settling In Period and perusal time commencing prior to these times.

Settling in Period

  1. Candidates are admitted to rooms 20 - 40 minutes (as the case may be) prior to the commencement of an examination for settling in purposes. During this period the candidate may complete the front of their examination answer booklet, and attendance card, if required.
  2. Candidates should arrive at their Examination Centre in sufficient time to allow settling in prior to commencement of examinations at 9 am and 1.30pm.

Perusal Time

  1. Candidates are given perusal time of 10 - 30 minutes, as the case may be, prior to the commencement of the examination. During this time candidates may not write IN the examination answer booklet or on drawing paper, optical scanning paper, or graph paper supplied for the purpose of answering the examination.
  2. Candidates may not write directly on the examination paper if it is a multiple choice examination.
  3. Candidates may write on rough paper, except where the examiner has specifically stated on the examination frontice that writing may not occur during perusal.
  4. Lecturers are required to attend perusal time of their course examinations. They should then be easily contactable by telephone to answer any queries that may arise for the duration of the examination.
  5. Candidates are not permitted to use electronic devices during perusal time.

Late Entry

  1. Candidates who arrive for an examination up to one hour late are required to present themselves to the invigilator prior to taking a seat in the examination room. No extension of time will be given.
  2. Candidates will not be permitted entry to an examination room after one hour from the commencement of that examination.
  3. Candidates will not be permitted to leave an examination before the expiration of one hour or during the final 30 minutes of the examination.

Candidate Conduct

  1. Head wear is not to be worn by candidates in the examination room.
  2. Candidates are not permitted to eat, drink or smoke during an examination.
  3. Candidates are not permitted to communicate by any means with another candidate during an examination.
  4. Candidates requiring assistance from an invigilator must raise their hand.
  5. Any electronic device capable of circumventing the objectives of examinations shall not be permitted in examination rooms.
  6. There must be no breach of examination security by talking, looking around or passing notes during an examination.
  7. Candidates may only bring into the examination room basic writing materials and authorised materials, as indicated on the frontice of the examination paper. Unauthorised materials, such as bags or briefcases of any description, may not be taken into the examination room. Items of this nature may be placed in the area established for this purpose by the invigilator.
  8. Candidates must complete the front of their examination answer booklets and attendance cards (internal students only) before they are permitted to leave the room.
  9. All examination answer booklets remain the property of CQU and are to be used for authorised purposes only.
  10. All candidates must bring into the examination room and keep displayed their current CQU student identification card. Internal candidates who do not possess a CQU student identification card will not be permitted entry into an examination. These candidates must present themselves to Student Administration before the examination commences. Distance students (sitting at External Centres only) who do not have a CQU student identification card may provide as identification their driver’s licence or passport, and their Examination Advice.

Candidate Responsibility

  1. Students must be aware it is their responsibility to ensure correct knowledge of examination dates, times and locations. Such information should be taken from the FINAL Examination Timetable and/or the candidate’s individual Examination Advice. Failure to do so, including misreading of the timetable, WILL NOT in any circumstances constitute grounds for the granting of a deferred examination.
  2. Students must sit their examination at the scheduled dates and times. Requests to sit earlier or later will be refused other than in exeptional circumstances beyond the student’s control eg subpoenaed to appear in court.
  3. Students should not arrange marriage or other ceremonies, vacations or special occasions which will coincide with CQU formal examination periods. These events will not be accepted as the sole grounds for the granting of a deferred examination. Please ensure Final Timetable is checked before making arrangements.
  4. Students who have a dual enrolment with another university and find they have a clash with that university’s examinations may not be granted deferred examinations, if this is the sole reason. Students with examination clashes should contact the Examinations Section immediately to discuss options.
  5. Candidates must not purchase tickets for overseas or vacation travel prior to the completion of their examinations.
  6. Students with a pre-existing disability or chronic illness who require special exam conditions must register with the Equity Office no later than Week 3. The only exception to this would be those students who can demonstrate that there had been a change in their circumstances warranting late registration. This advice must be provided no later than 14 days prior to commencement of the examination period. Without notice students will be required to attend their examination without accommodation; in this case, the Examinations Manager should be advised that ‘special consideration’ will be required. Supporting documentation must be provided by a doctor, therapist or another appropriate professional upon registration.
  7. All end of term examinations prepared by the Vice-President (Administration) will be conducted during the official examination periods as approved by Academic Board, and indicated on the Calendar of Principal Dates. The University will endeavour to schedule examinations only in the designated one-week period. However it may be necessary to schedule examinations outside these designated periods.
  8. Sanctions will be applied to all candidates who are debtors of the Examinations Section and to CQU. Students with unpaid examination charges will not receive examination results. Sanctions will also be applied when a change of exam centre fee is payable.

Examination Papers

  1. Candidates are only able to take examination papers printed on white paper with them from the examination room, except in cases where advised otherwise by the exam invigilator. All other coloured examination papers must be collected and accounted for by the invigilator and returned with worked examination scripts. Lecturers may refuse to mark an examination unless all coloured examination papers are returned.
  2. Copies of past years’ examination papers (subject to release) will be available for purchase from the CQU Student Association.

Deferred Examinations

Before lodging an application for a deferred examination, students should familiarise themselves fully with the definition of misadventure and the concept of ‘normal risk’ as outlined on the previous pages. Whereas deferred examinations may have been applied for and granted previously, students should note only those applications for deferred examinations which satisfy and comply with the prescribed guidelines will now be successful.

  1. A candidate, who for medical, allied health or compassionate reasons, misadventure or other circumstances beyond the candidate’s control was, or will be, unable to sit for the formal scheduled examination may apply for a deferred examination, provided the event was not considered by CQU to be normal risk.
  2. A deferred examination may not be granted if, in the opinion of the Vice-President (Administration) more timely notice of difficulties would have permitted arrangements to have been made for the original examination to be taken.
  3. Deferred applications must be completed on the designated form. Supporting information must be provided by the medical or allied health practitioner completing the reverse side of the application form, or by an official certificate, where the form is not available. Applications for deferred examinations on medical or allied health grounds which do not provide this information will not be considered further.
  4. A candidate who applies for a deferred examination or for special consideration on medical or allied health grounds must submit a certificate from a registered* medical, dental or health practitioner stating:
    1. the date on which the student was examined;
    2. the severity and duration of the complaint; and
    3. the practitioner’s opinion of the effect on the student’s ability to take the examination.
      In order to make an assessment, the University requires correct information be provided; therefore, a statement the student was “not fit for duty”, or was suffering from a “medical condition” or “illness” will not be accepted. Additionally, the University will not accept multiple doctors’ certificates for differing medical conditions over a short period of time.
    4. Only in exceptional circumstances will retrospective medical certificates be accepted.
  5. Candidates, whose applications are based on medical or allied health grounds and for which a medical certificate has been supplied, do not need to complete the statutory declaration on the form.
  6. A candidate who applies for a deferred examination or for special consideration on other than medical or allied health grounds must furnish corroborative evidence in support of the application.

    Additionally an applicant should clarify the situation by completing and signing the statutory declaration on the reverse side of the application form. The declaration must clearly state the disability or exceptional circumstance which precluded the candidate from taking the examination at the appointed time and/or appointed place.
  7. Where a student is unable to sit for an examination on account of demands of employment requiring the student to be interstate or overseas at the time of the examination, arrangements may be made for the student to sit for the examination at the appointed time at another university or established distance education examination centre. Applications should be made in writing, with supporting documentation, at least three weeks before the examination date to the Manager, Examinations.
  8. Where a student is seeking a deferred examination on the basis of an unavoidable work commitment, a certificate to that effect from the student’s employer will be required. The employer must explain the exceptional nature of the work commitment and the inability of the student to sit the examination.
  9. Applications for deferred examinations must be lodged, on the appropriate form as soon as possible, but no later than seven days after the date of the examination. This applies, except in special circumstances, where the Vice-President (Administration) considers the late application should be accepted.
  10. The Chair of the Faculty Education Committee will make a ‘recommendation’ to the Vice-President (Administration) on whether or not a deferred examination should be granted, taking into account the satisfactory completion of all other items of assessment in the course. The student must have the ability to pass the course prior to sitting for a deferred exam. The target time for recommendations is up to 14 days from receipt of deferred applications.
  11. Final approval of deferred examinations is the responsibility of the Vice-President (Administration).
  12. Applications for a deferred examination take into account a student’s performance in all assessed components of work, including the deferred examination in a course. The normal grading system will be used for these examinations.
  13. Students who submit an application before the examination date are responsible for contacting the Examinations Section, to determine the outcome prior to the examination. Applications lodged on the day or after the examination will be considered. However, students should be mindful an unsuccessful application may be considered to have constituted “normal risk”.
  14. Examinations of this nature will be held in the period approved by Academic Board as per the Calendar of Principal Dates. Examinations held outside of these timeframes are the responsibility of the particular faculty.
  15. Students who apply to sit a deferred examination will usually be granted only one opportunity to complete this examination. In extenuating circumstances, eg natural disaster or an extreme ongoing medical condition on producing documentary evidence, and approval from the Vice-President (Administration), students may be permitted to attempt a second deferred examination (deferred deferred examination). No student will be permitted more than one attempt at a deferred deferred examination for a course. Where a deferred deferred examination has been approved by the Vice-President (Administration), Student Administration will arrange for the student to sit at the next deferred examination period. Students must apply, in writing, to the Manager, Examinations, and MUST supply supporting documentation. No correspondence will be entered into with the Faculty regarding applications for deferred deferrals, and the final outcome will be communicated from the Vice-President (Administration) via the Manager, Examinations.

Special Consideration

  1. Candidates who consider their performance IN an examination has been adversely affected by illness, disability, bereavement or other exceptional circumstances, may apply for Special Consideration.
  2. Candidates must lodge Applications for Special Consideration forms with the invigilator on the day of the examination or with the Faculty no later than seven days after the examination. All applications must be supported by documentary evidence.
  3. Applications will be referred to the relevant lecturer who shall take into account the information provided when deciding the result to be recommended for the candidate in the course in question.
  4. Students should refer to the section on Deferred Examinations for procedures relating to the completion of the special consideration application form.

Special Examination Arrangements

Permanent Disabilities

  1. Consideration will be given to requests for special examination arrangements for students with permanent disabilities. All enquiries regarding special examination arrangements for students with permanent disabilities should be directed to the Disabilities Officer, Equity Office (Ph: 07 4930 9263).

Temporary Disabilities

  1. Consideration will be given to requests for special examination arrangements for students who may be temporarily incapacitated or disabled, or hospitalised during the examination period.
  2. If it is not possible for a student to sit for an examination while in hospital, an application for a deferred examination, supported by appropriate documentary evidence, should be lodged with the Examinations Section, Student Administration, no later than 7 days after the examination.
  3. All requests for special examination arrangements resulting from a temporary incapacity or disability, or hospitalisation should be made in writing to the Manager, Examinations, Student Administration, accompanied by a medical certificate or other documentary evidence as may be appropriate.
  4. Further enquires regarding special examination arrangements should be directed to the Manager, Examinations.


Bilingual Translation Dictionaries

Candidates whose first language is not English will be permitted to use unannotated bilingual translation dictionaries in examinations.

  • The Faculty, via the Faculty Education Committee, will ensure that all lecturers are aware that permission has been granted for students from a non-English speaking background to utilize unannotated bilingual translation dictionaries in examinations.
  • All Examination Requirement Forms submitted by the Faculty to the Examinations Section must indicate approval. If this is not forthcoming, the Examinations Section will proceed according to the Policy.
  • Approval will be indicated on the Frontice of the Examination Paper.
  • Information regarding approval will be clearly outlined in the Course Profile.
  • The Faculty will be responsible for communicating information to lecturers/tutors on CQU International Campuses.
  • Lecturers will be responsible for communicating information to students during lectures and tutorials.
  • Only Direct Translation Foreign Language Dictionaries will be permitted.
  • Dictionaries must be unannotated i.e. hand-written notes must not be contained within the dictionary.
  • Electronic Dictionaries i.e. a device in which information can be stored, will not be permitted in the examination room.
  • No extra working time will be permitted.

Standard Dictionaries

  • All candidates, whether English speaking or from a non-English speaking background, will not be permitted to use standard English dictionaries.


Alleged instances of candidate misconduct during examinations will be dealt with according to CQU student discipline provisions, as determined by the Vice President (Administration)

Non-enrolment in Course

No student shall be permitted to sit for, nor be entitled to receive a grade for, examinations in courses for which they are not enrolled.

Type of Attendance

Attendance is classified by the institution as being full-time or part-time based on the student load (EFTSU) for the student aggregated across all courses of study (including work experience in industry courses) for all programs being undertaken by the student in the academic/reference year.


Student load (EFTSU) aggregated for all the programs being undertaken by the student in the academic/reference year is 0.75 or more.

Part –time

Student load (EFTSU) aggregated for all the Programs being undertaken by the student in the academic/reference year is less than 0.75.

Central Queensland University Handbook
This handbook was correct as at: 07-June-2001

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