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Enrolment - RulesStudents must be aware of the following enrolment rules which may affect their ability to commence or continue studies at CQU.
Payment of FeesDomestic Full Fee-Paying StudentsCQU offers places in undergraduate and postgraduate award programs to domestic students for a fee payable direct to the University. The majority of students commencing postgraduate award programs in the 2001 academic year are required to pay full fees direct to the University. Only students commencing the Graduate Diploma of Midwifery are exempt from the requirement and will be offered a HECS liable place. Continuing postgraduate students who are currently enrolled on a HECS basis will retain their HECS place as long as they maintain their enrolment in that program. An articulated program will be at the new full fee levels (non HECS). Students enrolled in full fee-paying programs are invoiced each term in week two, excluding students enrolled in CV65, CV66, CU91, CU17, CU16 and CU15 who receive a fee statement with enrolment papers. Payment for these programs is due upon enrolment. Failure to make payment of the required fees may result in the cancellation of enrolment. While the University will make every endeavour to preserve current fee levels, due to changing costs and circumstances, the possibility of fee rises cannot be ruled out. Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS)The Higher Education Contribution Scheme requires students
to contribute towards the cost of their A HECS Payment Options Declaration form will be enclosed with enrolment papers for those students who are required to complete this form. Failure to submit this HECS Payment Options Declaration Form upon commencement of a program of study will result in the cancellation of the program. Students who are Australian Citizens have the choice of:
When a continuing student wishes to alter their payment option,
the student must complete a new Payment Options Declaration form
prior to the census date of the term in which the payment option
is to Specific rules apply to New Zealand citizens and Australian Permanent Residents residing in and outside Australia. Students within these categories should refer to the HECS: Your Questions Answered information booklet for specific details. In general, HECS liabilities are incurred by all students who undertake higher education award programs funded by the Federal Government. However, exemption from HECS applies to students in the following categories:
International Full-fee Paying StudentsCQU offers places in undergraduate and postgraduate award programs to international students for a fee payable directly to the University. Students are invoiced for a terms course fees on enrolment and on commencement of consecutive terms. All students are required to lodge payment of fees prior to the commencement of each term. Failure to make payment of the required fees may result in the cancellation of enrolment. While the University will make every endeavour to preserve current fee levels, due to changing costs and circumstances, the possibility of fee rises cannot be ruled out. However, the University guarantees that fee costs per course will not increase by more than 10 per cent from year to year. Students requiring further information regarding course fees for full fee-paying programs should contact CQU International on 61 7 4930 9046. Student Association FeePayment of Student Association fees is a requirement of enrolment. Students who have not paid the Student Association Fees by the due date will be deemed to be a Student Debtor. A Student Debtor may not be entitled to receive course results, a Statement of Results, or any other academic document, nor will a Student Debtor be granted any award. Please note, to avoid incorrect Student Service fees being charged, students are required to ensure that their Enrolment Advice Slip accurately reflects their correct Identification Centre and mode of attendance.
EnrolmentE-rolments will not be accepted after Week 2 of term. Cancellation of EnrolmentA students enrolment may be cancelled when:
Current Year of ProgramA students year of program is the year which they have successfully completed or in which they are currently studying at least half of the credit points for that year in addition to credit points for a previous year. Thus:
For the purpose of this definition credit points means normal annual full-time load which varies depending on the Faculty through which the program is studied. Lapse of EnrolmentA student is classed as having lapsed their enrolment if they have withdrawn from all studies in any particular term. If a students enrolment has lapsed, they must contact the Student Services Line to re-activate their enrolment. An enrolment can be lapsed for an indefinite period of time but not greater than ten years. International StudentsAny international student who has made the following changes to their enrolment:
Re-admission after Cancellation of EnrolmentA student, whose enrolment from a program of study has been cancelled, may apply to the Vice-President (Administration) for re-admission. The decision about re-admission will be made by the Vice-President (Administration) after consultation with the chairperson of the Faculty Education Committee responsible for the program. In making the decision, the Vice-President (Administration) will have regard to the students previous academic performance and the reason for the cancellation of enrolment. When a student is readmitted, the Faculty Education Committee responsible for the program may impose any conditions on the re-admission it determines to be appropriate academically. In determining what conditions will apply, the Faculty Education Committee will have regard to the students previous academic performance, the length of time that has elapsed since the previous enrolment and any changes in program content and structure. Reduced Study LoadA student may apply for permission to undertake a reduced study load for one term or one year. Following consultation with the students program advisor, application for a reduced study load must be made to the appropriate Faculty Education Committee. In the application, the courses to be taken must be detailed and the reason for requesting a reduced load given. If a reduced study load is approved for a student, the student will be deemed to be undertaking a restructured program. Student Debtors RulesOn completion of any term of study, a student who is a debtor
to CQU may not be entitled to receive course results, a Statement
of Results, or any other academic document, nor will a student debtor
be granted A debtor student is one who:
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