Programs & Courses 2013
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2
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Student Handbook : Honours : Program Group : CB87

CB87 - Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)


13CQUni (13 27 86)

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Work Integrated Learning and Clinical Experience

Students are required to undertake clinical placements in order to satisfy the requirements of CBOS - the Competency Based Occupational Standards of Speech Pathology Australia (  There are no minimum requirements in terms of number of hours of placement but these occur throughout the program, and will require attendance on both a daily and block placement basis. Block placements may be in a remote or rural setting. Experience in authentic work environments is very valuable as it develops the professional skills and ‘work readiness' of graduates.


Students will not be required to purchase an approved university clinical placement uniform but will have the option to do so.


Before commencing work placement, students must have gathered the following to provide to the appropriate academic supervisor and their workplace supervisor:


  1. A current student Blue Card; application formcan be found at
  2. Completion of CQU Pre-clinical checklist
  3. Signed clinical placement agreement;
  4. Evidence of Immunisations as per the CQUniversity Policy for Vaccination of students in health studies
  5. Read the Queensland Health Student Orientation Summary and completed and signed the Student Orientation checklist and Student Deed Poll (see the Queensland Government website:


It is recommended that you work on your Hepatitis B vaccinations as soon as you are enrolled in the program. The university also recommends that students attain a first-aid certificate within their first year of enrolment also.

English Requirements
  • Completed secondary school or tertiary studies in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, South Africa, the United Kingdom or the United States, or;
  • Achieved an Academic IELTS score of 7.5 with no score less than 8 in Speaking and Listening and no score less than 7 in Reading and Writing, or;
  • Completed an Occupational English Test with a result of A.
Recognition of prior learning and application for Credit Transfer

Course credit may be granted to students who are able to demonstrate appropriate prior learning or experience. Credit transfer will only be granted where a student is able to demonstrate that tertiary studies undertaken equivalent in content and depth to the CQUniversity program have been successfully completed. Students should examine the course synopses in this handbook to determine the courses for which they may be eligible to claim exemption.


Refer to the Credit Transfer website at for further details on the guidelines and application process.


You can apply for direct credit against CQUniversity courses, if equivalent tertiary level study has been completed. You must supply relevant documentation (study guides, course profiles, etc) to do this. Or, in some programs you can apply for electives outside of CQUniversity range of courses. If your study was undertaken more than 10 years old, you may not be eligible to apply for this as credit.  


Computing Requirements

It is a requirement of enrolment in this program that students have access to the CQUniversity website. Students may be required to undertake various components of study in the program using email and the Internet.


It is strongly recommended that students have access to a broadband connection or higher to access online student resources that would include but not limited to, email, internet, video streaming, electronic assessment submission.

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