Programs & Courses 2012
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2
Be What You Want To Be: 13CQUni (132786)
Student Handbook : Honours : Program Group : CG44

CG44 - Bachelor of Financial Planning

Program Aim

The aim of the program is to develop the competency to identify, analyse and formulate strategies relating to the financial planning needs of an individual.  The program provides specific studies in the financial planning industry/profession, investment planning, taxation planning, retirement planning and social security, and the preparation of a compliant Statement of Advice (SoA). 


On successful completion of this program, students should be able to:

  • describe the role of a financial planner and the process of financial planning;
  • explain the Australian legal and regulatory framework in which financial planners operate;
  • demonstrate an understanding of ethical behaviour in dealings and relatinships witih clients, regulators, financial bodies and other third parties;
  • apply therories of investment, portfolio management and risk management (investment and insurance);
  • outline the Australian taxation system, and identify and predict the effects of taxation on particular financial products and strategies;
  • outline the operation of superannuation, and identify and analyse taxation implications on the retirement needs of individuals;
  • discuss the main features of estate planning and explain how the Australian social security system is impacted by different income streams; and
  • prepare a Statement of Advice (financial plan) for a client.
Program Structure


Students must complete 24 courses/144 units of credit

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