Programs & Courses 2012
Student Handbook Home: Edition 1
Be What You Want To Be: 13CQUni (132786)
Student Handbook : Honours : Program Group : CQ93

CQ93 - Graduate Diploma of Environmental Management


13CQUni (13 27 86)

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Entry requirements

A degree in science, engineering or technology. Graduates from other disciplines will be considered, provided that they have an appropriate technical background. Completion of the Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management also allows entry to the Graduate Diploma.


Apply online or call Program Enquiries Hotline on 13CQUni (13 27 86 - local call cost within Australia).



Students will be given some elective choice as specified under the program structure.

Individual non-standard student programs will be subject to approval by the Head of Applied and Environmental Sciences Programs, who will take into account the student's past educational background, the level of the proposed alternative courses and their coherence with the overall objectives of the program.


Computing Requirements


It is a requirement of enrolment in this program that students have access to the CQUniversity website via internet. Students may be required to undertake various components of study in the program using email and the Internet.


It is strongly recommended that students have access to a broadband connection or higher to access online student resources that would include but not limited to, email, internet, video streaming, electronic assessment submission.

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