Programs & Courses 2011
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2
Be What You Want To Be: 13CQUni (132786)
Student Handbook : Honours : Program Group : CF59

CF59 - Bachelor of Science (Psychology)

Program Aim

Students who complete the Bachelor of Science (Psychology) will have broad knowledge of the discipline of psychology and its applications, including major theoretical perspectives within the discipline. In addition, they will have knowledge of the range of core research areas that make up the scientific discipline of psychology and the research methodologies and statistical techniques commonly used by researchers for information gathering and analysis. They will be able to apply that knowledge when undertaking research activities.

Program Structure

To obtain a Bachelor of Science (Psychology) students shall obtain credit for a total of 24 courses/144 units of credit in accordance with the following:

  1. At least 72 units of credit (12 courses) shall be in Psychology chosen from the courses tab. The remaining 72 units of credit (12 courses) may be in any other discipline or disciplines.
  2. Psychology courses undertaken shall include 12 units of credit (2 courses) at Level 1, 24 units of credit (4 courses) at Level 2 and 36 units of credit (6 courses) at Level 3 - of which PSYC13015, PSYC13017 and PSYC13020 are compulsory.
  3. Failure to satisfy these requirements will result in non eligibility to graduate.

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