Programs & Courses 2010
Student Handbook Home: Edition 1
Be What You Want To Be: 13CQUni (132786)
Student Handbook : Honours : Program Group : CA02

CA02 - Bachelor of Applied Physics

Program Aim

Physics is concerned with the understanding and quantitative description of natural phenomena. Applied physics is concerned with the application of this knowledge for the advancement of society. The areas in which professional physicists are employed are changing rapidly and becoming increasingly cross-disciplinary; these include biophysics, medical physics, environmental science, geophysics, computational physics, instrumentation and data acquisition and processing.

The Bachelor of Applied Physics program is designed to produce graduates who are well qualified to succeed in the changing employment scene. Graduates may be employed in fields as diverse as acoustics consulting, biophysics research, electro-optics, materials research, environmental monitoring, computing technology, geophysical exploration and secondary teaching. 

The program includes in-depth studies in physics, including courses that introduce students to problems and applications in research and industry, as well as individual research projects of an applied nature in which students solve real problems and compile evidence of practical competence to show prospective employers. 

The internal and external versions of the program have identical content, and students can transfer from one mode to the other as circumstances warrant.

Program Structure
To satisfy the requirements of the award, students must complete 24 courses/144 units of credit as outlined below:
  • 4 compulsory courses at Level 1;
  • 6 compulsory courses at Level 2;
  • 3 compulsory courses at Level 3;
  • at least 3 Level 3 physics courses; and
  • 6 elective courses selected from a plan stream or any undergraduate degree program.

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