Programs & Courses 2008
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2
Be What You Want To Be: 13CQUni (132786)
Student Handbook : Honours : Program Group : CU23

CU23 - Bachelor of Multimedia Studies - International campuses only


Program Advisor +61 7 4930 9681 or email

Check the details

Students who are unable to complete the Bachelor of Multimedia Studies may apply to exit from the program with an Associate Degree of Multimedia Studies (96 units of credit). In such cases, students must satisfy the requirements of the exit award and apply in writing to the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education. 

For further information, contact the program advisor on email -


Computing requirements
Students who enrol in this program require access to a computer with an Internet connection, audio capabilities, a CD-RW drive, a scanner and a printer. Software requirements vary for individual courses within the program. While we try to use software that is available for both PCs and Macs throughout the program, at least one compulsory course and several IT-oriented electives use software that is only available for the Microsoft Windows operating system. Please bear this in mind if you are a Mac user.

CQU campuses have computer laboratories that provide the necessary hardware and software for on-campus students.

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