Programs & Courses 2007
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2
Be What You Want To Be: 13CQUni (132786)
Student Handbook : Honours : Program Group : CA10

CA10 - Bachelor of Arts (Specialisation)


Program Advisor on +61 7 4930 9681 or

Check the details

A recommended study schedule for this program can be obtained from your Program Administrator. Students may determine their own schedule based upon credit transfers and personal study requirements. It is important to note that full-time students usually enrol in 4 courses per term and part-time students usually enrol in 2 courses per term.

Application for credit transfer
Credit transfer will only be granted where a student is able to demonstrate that tertiary studies equivalent in content and depth to the CQU program has been successfully completed. Students should examine the course synopses in this handbook to determine the courses for which they may be eligible to claim exemption. For more information about credit transfer contact the Program Administrator.

Note: Students must check to see when and where a course is offered before enrolling. See the course availability section in this handbook for details.

Schedule A
This schedule contains details of the accredited sequence for the Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) specialisation, and 3 professional studies plans: digital innovation, marketing and information technology. The courses and other requirements listed below are based on advice from the Schools responsible for administering these disciplines and may change from year-to-year depending on course availability. Students selecting a professional plan are strongly advised to check these details during each year of their study.

As there have been some changes to the list of available professional plans, students who commenced a professional studies plan prior to 2007 should contact the Bachelor of Arts Program Advisor for details of courses still relevant to those professional plans.

The primary purpose of this plan is to provide students with a broad knowledge of the discipline of psychology and its applications, including theoretical perspectives within the discipline. In addition, they will have knowledge of the range of core research areas that make up the scientific discipline of psychology.

Level 1
PSYC11008 Biological Foundations of Psychology
PSYC11009 Social Foundations of Psychology

Level 2
PSYC12047 Research Methods in Psychology A
PSYC12048 Research Methods in Psychology B

plus 2 from the following list:
PSYC12010 Introduction to Human Development
PSYC12012 Physiological Psychology
PSYC12013 Personality
PSYC12014 Social Psychology

Students who wish to complete an accredited sequence of psychology courses (i.e. to be eligible to apply for a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Psychology, a 'fourth' year which is compulsory for eligibility to apply for registration as a psychologist) should in addition to the above 6 courses also complete an additional 6 courses as below:

Level 3 PSYC13015 Advanced Methods in Psychology

plus 5 from the following list:
PSYC13016 Cognitive Psychology
PSYC13017 Abnormal Psychology
PSYC13018 Cross-Cultural Psychology
PSYC13019 Developmental Psychology
PSYC13020 Individual Differences & Assessment
PSYC13021 Special Topic in Psychology
PSYC13022 Learning

The marketing plan provides a comprehensive, integrated program of specialist marketing courses. The program is designed to give graduates added skills in the areas of service marketing and international business.

Students must complete the 2 Level 1 courses plus four from the list of Advanced Level marketing:
Level 1
MRKT11029 Marketing
MRKT11028 Interactive and Internet Marketing

MRKT19030 Promotions Management
MRKT19031 Consumer Behaviour
MRKT19034 Entrepreneurship, Innovation & New Ventures
MGMT19114 Strategic Management
MRKT19036 Marketing of Service Products
MRKT19037 International Marketing
MRKT19038 Marketing Research
MRKT19049 Customer Relationship Marketing
MRKT19040 Marketing Plans
MRKT19050 Introduction to Retailing

Digital Innovation
The digital innovation plan provides students with the technical skills and contextual understanding of media needed to design and develop multimedia software applications.

Select MMST11001 Introduction to Digital Innovation (compulsory), 1 other Level 1 course, plus 4 Advanced courses from the following list:

Level 1
MMST11001         Introduction to Digital Innovation
MMST11002         Web Design
MMST11003         Design Perspectives
DGTL11001         Foundations of Animation

Select 4 from the following ensuring that prerequisites are met:
DGTL12002         Innovations in Interactivity & Social Networks
MMST12009         Web Application Development
MMST12017         Interactive Animation for games
MMST12019         3D Animation
COMM12030        Desktop Publishing
COMM12116        Contemporary Photomedia

Information Technology
Level 1
COIT11133 Programming Fundamentals
COIT11166 Systems Analysis & Design
4 Advanced courses
COIS12041 Business Programming
COIS12036 Human-Computer Interaction
COIT12167 Database Use & Design
COIT12168 Analysis & Specification
COIT13143 Database Application Development

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