Programs & Courses 2007
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2
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Student Handbook : Honours : Program Group : CQ68

CQ68 - Bachelor of Engineering Technology - no new enrolments


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Other than in first year, all courses except Engineering Practice Skills are offered in the distance (external) mode only. Engineering Practice Skills is run as a residential course requiring attendance on the CQU Rockhampton campus at a specified time.

Recommended study schedule
A recommended study schedule for this program can be obtained from the program advisor. Students may determine their own schedule in consultation with their advisor based upon credit transfers and personal study requirements.

Note: that full-time BET students usually enrol in 4 courses per term and part-time BET students usually enrol in 2 courses per term.

Engineering practice (work experience) and report
An integral part of the program, and a requirement of Engineers Australia for program accreditation, is a minimum of six weeks of approved work experience in an engineering environment. This may be completed during the student vacation(s) or at other times within the first two (if an Associate Degree of Engineering is being sought) or three equivalent years of enrolment.   

As proof of work experience, students will be required to submit a formal report indicating the type of work done, the degree of responsibility involved, the person(s) to whom the student was directly responsible, and the general activities of the employer. This report should be certified by the employer. More details regarding this report can be found on the Faculty website under 'Current Students' - Engineering Practice.

To graduate students must successfully complete and submit their Engineering Practice report at least six months prior to their nominated 'Expected Graduation Term' (EGT).  Failure to meet this deadline may result in a delay to the expected graduation date. 

Degree with distinction
The Faculty will recognise outstanding academic achievement of students, by awarding a Bachelor of Engineering Technology degree with Distinction to students who achieve a GPA of 6.0 and above, in their first attempt result in their eight enrolled courses in the third year level of the program.

Articulation and credit transfer
The program allows the recognition of students' previous study from TAFE and other tertiary providers, and experience gained from working in industry, through 'Recognition of Prior Learning' (RPL) and 'Recognition of Current Competencies' (RCC). Students from the TAFE sector may seek to enter the proposed program at any stage within the first two years of the program. Holders of the Queensland TAFE CN940 Advanced Diploma or equivalent may be given exemptions of up to a maximum of the first two years of the Bachelor of Engineering Technology program. Students will be assessed for exemption on a case-by-case basis and will be required to nominate courses they wish to be considered for exemption from. Grounds for that exemption, through their demonstration of prior achievement of a significant component of the CQU courses learning outcomes, must be documented.

Transfer into the Bachelor of Engineering programs
The BET program has been designed with different vocational outcomes compared to the Bachelor of Engineering (BE) programs. As such, apart from some common vocabulary and knowledge base in the program, the technical skills which students need to develop in the two programs are significantly different. Students will be assessed for entry on a case-by-case basis.

Rules for progression in the BET program
The BET program is criterion-referenced. As such, progress is conditional upon students having acquired specified skills and knowledge in previous courses of study. Students failing a course twice will be required to demonstrate to their Program Advisor why their third attempt is likely to be successfully before they enrol again.

Computing Requirements
It is a requirement of enrolment in this program that all students have access to the CQU website via the Internet. Students may be required to undertake various components of study in the program using email and the Internet.

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