Programs & Courses 2007
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2
Be What You Want To Be: 13CQUni (132786)
Student Handbook : Honours : Program Group : CA61

CA61 - Bachelor of Business (Honours)


Faculty Research Office +61 7 4923 2705

Check the details

Entry Requirements

Candidates for admission must possess an appropriate pass degree from an Australian university or college with a grade point average of 5 or better.  Applicants will need to provide a 1000 word proposal on their proposed topic and entry is subject to availability of supervision for the proposed topic.


International students should visit for further information including English language requirements.



Full-time students are required to submit their dissertations no later than the last day of the examination period.  Each part-time student will be given a date by which the dissertation must be submitted; this date will normally be the last day of an examination period.


Once the date for submission of the dissertation has been fixed, any extension of time for submission will be granted by the Dean or the Dean's delegate only in exceptional circumstances and upon receipt of proof that the delay was due to circumstances outside the candidate's control.  Penalties apply to the late submission of dissertations.


Grading of honours degrees

The available level of gradings for those undertaking their Honours program are:

First Class85% or betterCan commence a PhD without further qualifications; eligible for a PhD scholarship
Second Class (A)75% to 84%Can commence a PhD without further qualifications
Second Class (B)65% to 74%Can commence a Masters degree without further qualifications
Third Class50% to 64%Gives the student an appropriate skill mix that employers in industry may value





There are a limited number of scholarships available to Honours students.  Details of these scholarships are available from the Faculty Research office, contact +61 7 4923 2705.


For more information on the Bachelor of Business (Honours) go to

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