Programs & Courses 2007
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2
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Student Handbook : Honours : Program Group : CG11

CG11 - Bachelor of Accounting/Diploma of Professional Practice


Undergraduate Program Advisor for Business programs on +61 7 4930 9600 or email

Work-placement Obligations

An integral part of this program is the work placement. Students will undertake a total of 12 months full-time work placements in the financial services industry. Graduates will therefore be entering their chosen profession with a considerable professional experience in highly relevant fields.

The program will involve 2 full-time work placements, each of approximately six months duration. These work placements will commonly occur at the end of the students' 2nd and 3rd years of study. Work placements can be undertaken in a number of locations, however students should consider accommodation, living and transport costs associated with certain locations.

Students (particularly part-time students) will need to consider the impact that these placements may have on other personal, work or family commitments that they may have during these periods.


Study Schedules

A recommended study schedule for this program can be obtained from your program advsior. Students may determine their own schedule based upon credit transfers and personal study requirements.

It is important to note that full-time students usually enrol in 4 courses per term and part-time students usually enrol in 2 courses per term. Please note, however, that the work placement component of this program is only available on a full-time basis.

For Program Planners please refer to the Faculty of Business and Informatics website located at


Rules for Progression
  • A Bachelor of Accounting/Diploma of Professional Practice student must pass all program courses in the first three terms of the program plus the Professional Placement Preparation to be eligible for progression in the program and acceptance into the first industry work experience placement.
  • A Bachelor of Accounting/Diploma of Professional Practice student must pass all program courses in the first six academic terms of the program plus successfully complete the first Professional Practice and Professional Practice Review to be eligible for progression in the program and acceptance into the second work placement.
  • Students who do not meet the rules for progression in the Bachelor of Accounting/Diploma of Professional Practice program shall be eligible for exclusion from the Bachelor of Accounting/Diploma of Professional Practice program and required to transfer into the standard Bachelor of Accounting program.
Pass Conceded and Pass Terminating Grades

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Accounting program should be aware of the Faculty program rules relating to the award of Pass Conceded and Pass Terminating grades. In addition to these rules, students in the Accounting program should be aware that the degree rules for the Accounting program mean that students can credit a maximum of one Pass Conceded or Pass Terminating grade in any of their core courses or compulsory accounting technical specialist courses towards the requirements of their degree program.


Application for Credit Transfer

Credit transfer will only be granted where a student is able to demonstrate that tertiary studies equivalent in content and depth to a Bachelor of Accounting program have been completed. Credit is not available for the work-placement component of the program on the basis of previous work experience.

Students should examine the course synopses in this handbook to determine the courses from which they may be eligible to claim exemption.

Refer to Credit for Previous Studies in the Admissions & Enrolment section of the handbook, regarding the guidelines and requirements in applying for credit transfer.

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