Programs & Courses 2007
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2
Be What You Want To Be: 13CQUni (132786)
Student Handbook : Honours : Program Group : CU86

CU86 - Bachelor of Mathematical Science (Honours)

Program Aim

The purpose of the mathematics and statistics honours program is to offer an advanced program of study in these disciplines.  The program aims to develop skills required for fundamental research in mathematics and statistics at Masters or Doctorate level and to prepare students for placement in business and industry.


An undergraduate mathematics degree refers to either the Bachelor of Mathematical Science, Bachelor of Informatics, or an equivalent degree from another institution.  Successful applicants to the mathematics honours program from a CQU undergraduate mathematics degree will have:

  1. achieved a good performance in mathematics courses at Levels 2 and 3 (this will normally be interpreted as at least an average 5.5 performance, counting a 'Pass' as 4, a 'Credit' as 5, a 'Distinction' as 6, and a 'High Distinction' as 7); and
  2. completed at least 4 mathematics courses at Level 3 and Real Analysis (MATH12174).

Entry into the program by students who have completed an undergraduate mathematics degree, will be determined on a case-by-case basis.  If necessary, students will be requested to undertake preliminary study in the current undergraduate degree before commencing the honours program.


All students seeking to enter the program, particularly those in Level 2 of a CQU undergraduate mathematics degree, should contact the Head of School, Computer Science to organise course selection for Level 3.

Program Structure
Students must complete 48 units of credit.

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