Programs & Courses 2007
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2
Be What You Want To Be: 13CQUni (132786)
Student Handbook : Honours : Program Group : CG24

CG24 - Associate Degree of Mine Operations Management (Specialisation)

Program Aim
This program aims to provide an integrated education pathway into underground or surface coal mine management. The program incorporates university engineering management and safety, science courses and (dependent on specialisation) statutory black coal competencies. The four year part-time program is designed to develop the skills and knowledge to meet the needs of underground or surface coal mine management.

This program has generic, management and technical components that will enable graduates to contribute to and participate in underground or surface coal mine management, depending on the specialisation studied.
Program Structure
This program is aimed at the education of mining operations management in one of two specialisations:
  • underground coal; and
  • surface coal.
This program is only available for external part-time study.

All students enrol in a common first year and then select a specialisation.

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