Programs & Courses 2007
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2
Be What You Want To Be: 13CQUni (132786)
Student Handbook : Honours : Program Group : CF67

CF67 - Graduate Certificate in Railway Signalling

Program Aim
This program aims to develop competent railway signal engineers and future leaders of the signalling profession by stimulating students with learning experiences that aim to develop a well-rounded knowledge base and generic engineering competencies.  In addition to learning general principles, the program employs work integrated exercises to enhance candidate's ability to apply their knowledge and skills in locally relevant practices.  The program is designed around project-based and work-integrated learning and is supported by experienced course tutors as well as a network of senior members of the profession acting as work-based mentors.  The graduate diploma qualification has been accepted by IRSE (UK) as an alternative to the traditional IRSE examinations for purpose of membership application.
Program Structure
Students must complete 3 courses (24 units of credit).

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