Programs & Courses 2007
Student Handbook Home: Edition 2
Be What You Want To Be: 13CQUni (132786)
Student Handbook : Honours : Program Group : CQ23

CQ23 - Bachelor of Nursing

Program Aim

Nursing offers diverse people-centred career opportunities in a challenging industry that continues to change rapidly. The broad nature of nursing allows opportunities for employment and specialisation in areas as varied as the traditional hospital setting, accident and emergency, community health, indigenous health, industry, remote or rural health, and the armed forces.

Nursing practice is focused on working in partnership with individuals, groups and communities to enhance health and wellness and assist clients to effectively manage health issues. On completion of the Bachelor of Nursing, the graduate will be eligible to apply for registration with the Queensland Nursing Council. This registration allows the nurse to work within Queensland and be eligible to register as a nurse in other Australian states and territories.

1st year - In Year 1 of the program students will focus on developing foundation skills and knowledge required for nursing practice. Some clinical experience could be undertaken as part of tutorials in the first year.

2nd year - In Year 2 of the program students will be introduced to abnormal health patterns and the nursing care required to manage these.

3rd year - Year 3 of the program will focus on consolidating their knowledge in clinical practice situations including an 8 week block placement in their final term of study.

Program Structure

To satisfy the requirements of the award, students must complete 24 courses/144 units of credit as outlined.

Recommended study schedule
The following schedule is designed for full-time students who usually enrol in 4 courses per term or 24 units of credit. Part-time students should therefore modify this schedule to suit their own needs. The normal study load for part-time students is 2 courses per term or 12 units of credit per term.

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