Programs & Courses 2006
Student Handbook Home: Edition 1
Be What You Want To Be: 13CQUni (132786)
Student Handbook : Honours : Program Group : CQ29

CQ29 - Bachelor of Construction Management


the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Health on +61 7 4930 9733 or email

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Degrees in Construction Management with honours

Construction Management students may be eligible for honours on the following basis:

  • a grade point average (GPA) will be computed for each student's first attempt achievement in course units for each of the years on a 7 point scale, with 7 as the highest possible GPA; and
  • the class of the honours will be decided by the following overall GPAs:

    GPA                          6.00 - 7.00     5.50 - 6.00     5.00 - 5.50
    Class of Honours     First                Second A       Second B

Potential honours students will be advised of their candidacy at the end of their third year (full-time equivalent) on the basis of a GPA in the region of 5.


It is a requirement of this program that all students have access to the CQU World Wide Web site via the Internet. Students may be required to undertake various components of study in the program using email and the Internet.

Students should have a mathematical knowledge equal to a passing grade in Queensland Maths B or an interstate or TAFE equivalent.

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