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Bachelor of Multimedia Studies CU23

Duration: 3 years full-time, 6 years part-time.
Mode and Location: Internal - B/M/R/BIC/GIC/MAL/MIC/SIC/SING, external, multi-modal.
Courses/Units of Credit: 23 courses/144 units of credit.
Faculty: Informatics & Communication.
Entry: QTAC or direct.
Accreditation: An application for the accreditation of this program with the Australian Computer Society is in progress.
Contact: Kerrie Bloxsom on 07 4930 9681.
International Students: International students studying in Australia must study full-time, on-campus.
CQU CRICOS Program Codes: B/M/R/BIC/GIC - 023165M, MIC - 030617G/030934E, SIC - 029395D

Program Overview

The Bachelor of Multimedia Studies is a degree for students who want to pursue a career in the multimedia industry. The program provides students with the technical skills and understanding of communication/media theory needed to design and develop multimedia software applications.

On completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • understand the social, economic and cultural significance of multimedia;
  • demonstrate a knowledge of the multimedia industry, relevant professional issues, and future directions;
  • develop an original multimedia application from concept to implementation;
  • create digital content (text, graphic images, animations, audio and video) for Web-based and CD-ROM applications;
  • apply theoretical understandings of media and communication to multimedia development;
  • work independently or as a member of a team (face-to-face or virtual), employing appropriate interpersonal and group skills;
  • communicate effectively with clients and other professionals; and
  • solve problems and demonstrate critical and creative thinking ability.

Program Structure

To be eligible to graduate, students must complete 23 courses/144 units of credit comprising:

6 compulsory courses at Level 1, which are:
Code Course
MMST11001   Introduction to Multimedia
MMST11002   Constructing Cyberspace
MMST11003   Design Perspectives
COIS11011   Foundations of Business Computing
COMM11005   Introduction to Communication & Culture
CULT11001   Communication, Culture & Communities

5 compulsory courses at Advanced Level, which are:
Code Course
MMST12004   Multimedia Design
MMST12005   Multimedia Development
MMST12009   Dynamic Web Interfaces
MMST13014   Multimedia Project (12 units of credit.)
COMM12022   Cultural Technologies

6 multimedia electives (36 units of credit) which may be selected from:
Code Course
MMST12016   Audio Production & Contemporary Culture
MMST12015   Digital Moviemaking
MMST12017   Interactive Animation
COIS12036   Human Computer Interaction
COMM12023   Screen Studies
CULT12004   Cultural & Media Identity
COMM12030   Desktop Publishing
ENCO11005   Computer Hardware Fundamentals
COIT11133   Programming A
COIT11134   Programming B
COIT12140   Object-Oriented Programming
COIT12137   Internet Programming
COIT12141   Computer Graphics
COIT11166   Systems Analysis & Design
LITR19047   Science Fiction and Film

6 general electives (36 units of credit) which may be selected from any degree offered by the University.

Note: Multimedia electives may also be selected from areas such as Communication, Media, Information Technology, Music and Visual Arts with the approval of the Multimedia Program Coordinator. Multimedia electives allow students to specialise in a particular area of multimedia.

General electives allow students to add greater depth to their area of specialisation or to create a second area of specialisation. No more than twelve Level 1 courses may be credited towards the degree.

Students may not take the following courses as general electives because of content overlap with compulsory courses and multimedia electives:
Code Course
COIT11119   Introduction to Computing
COIT11125   Computing Skills
COIS11014   Engineering Computing
COIS11015   Introductory Computing
EDED11276   Computers in Education

Recommended Study Schedule

Please note that full-time students usually enrol in four courses per term and part-time students usually enrol in two courses per term.
Code Course
Year 1 - Autumn Term
MMST11001   Introduction to Multimedia
COIS11011   Foundations of Business Computing
COMM11005   Introduction to Communication & Culture
  General elective
Year 1 - Winter Term
MMST11002   Constructing Cyberspace
MMST11003   Design Perspectives
CULT11001   Communication, Culture & Communities
  General elective
Year 2 - Autumn Term
MMST12004   Multimedia Design
  Multimedia elective
  Multimedia elective
  General elective
Year 2 - Winter Term
MMST12005   Multimedia Development
  Multimedia elective
  Multimedia elective
  General elective
Year 3 - Autumn Term
MMST12009   Dynamic Web Interfaces
COMM12022   Cultural Technologies
  Multimedia elective
  General elective
Year 3 - Winter Term
MMST13014   Multimedia Project (12 units of credit)
  Multimedia elective
  General elective

Transition Arrangements for Continuing Students

Students who enrolled in the Bachelor of Multimedia Studies prior to 2001 may graduate using the program structure that appears in the 2000 CQU handbook if they wish. Those students should be aware that MMST11002   Constructing Cyberspace has replaced MMST13006   (00301) Network Multimedia.

As they become available, the following courses may be added to the list of acceptable multimedia electives for students continuing in the 2000 program structure:
Code Course
MMST11003   Design Perspectives
MMST12009   Dynamic Web Interfaces
MMST12016   Audio Production and Contemporary Culture
MMST12015   Digital Moviemaking
MMST12017   Interactive Animation
CULT11001   Communication, Culture & Communities
MMST13014   Multimedia Project may be added to the list of acceptable projects for students continuing in the 2000 program structure

Computing Requirements

Students who enrol in this program will need access to a multimedia computer with an Internet connection, audio capabilities, a CD-ROM drive, and a printer. A Zip drive and scanner are also required for advanced level multimedia courses. Software requirements vary for individual courses within the program. CQU campuses have computer laboratories that provide the necessary hardware and software for internal students.

Central Queensland University Handbook
This handbook was correct as at: 07-May-2002

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